Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
I was just looking for Glory
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I guess it’s true for sausages…
Just the thing for under Christmas tree suprises.
For those who can stomach it.
When you’re in for a bowl with bowel…
Our refrigerated meats are located deep in the innards of the store.
But the selection variety will just bowel you over!
What’s the matter? Try it or are you gutless?
Tell it like it is…
I haven’t the heart to tell them I’m a bit lily-livered when it comes to eating gizzards. I just don’t have the stomach for it. Why they can’t get it through their brains that I really am gutless when it comes to this kind of tripe.
What a bunch of balony!
Patton shops here.
I bought some to show my girlfriend…
Your girlfriend prefers the guts over yours!
Toe and elbows can be found in aisle 3.
Oh OK. Is that the lower tract in that package?
Shopper #1: I don’t need to eat guts! I already have enough guts inside me as it is.
Shopper #2: Then let’s go to the store that sells brains.
I like this store, it’s got guts
The ultimate in truth in advertising.
I was just looking for Gory.
But, it is Guts, literally… Asians not only eat meat but the guts too. Nothing is Chinglish here. Canadians need to learn foreign food culture.
Now *this* sounds like my kind of supermarket… 😉
(Believe it or not, I’m actually being serious here! 😮 )
That sign’s accurate enough regarding the sausages…But shouldn’t there be a pile of Big Macs and Quarter Pounders in that fridge, too? 🙂
For nutritional information, please see the appendix. 🙂
I suppose the Dairy section in this place is the “Cow Teet” and “Unfertilized Chick” section?
The Glory is in the next aisle.
The translation is accurate, more literally it says “Internal Organ Products.” If you’re familiar with more down to earth Canton cooking. there’s extensive use of internal organs, pig’s stomach, intestine and lungs, are especially popular for soup.
Disemboweling takes a lot of guts…But at least this place believes in recycling, too! 🙂
Where that guy from Berserk go for his groceries.
I wonder why there’s no zombies in this section.
I’d like some International Intestinals please
No guts, no curry.
Even if the translation is literally accurate, it is not correct for its use here. In English we have words like “tripe” that would be much more at home here. The fact is that this is Chinglish simply because the “translator” did not bother to research a more appropriate phrase.
right next to the chicken teeth
Hmmm…. someone’s a little sensitive.
But, Happy Entrails to you !
Well DUH, this isn’t even Chinglish.
Well… maybe sorta. LOL.
We do eat internal organs. I myself like chicken livers. :3
Scottish haggis chefs, please note.
Ya gotta have heart…. and lung, spleen, and kidney, and small intestine.
Brains… more brains!
brains in aisle 12, toes and fingers in 13, cereal in 14…
assorted guts and dancing santas
– Got brains?