Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
It’s usually most fragrant when hot…
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Mine smells like roses. How about yours?
I’ll have the Cleveland Steamer, please.
Just like my mother-in-law’s cooking.
Only 2 girls per cup please!
Ooh look, it comes with corn.
Waiter, there’s a swarm of flies in my soup.
Can I have that with the pu pu platter?
Please add less garlic in my order, it makes my breath foul!
The chef makes it fresh.
Served in the finest bonechina bowels!
Crap porridge hot, crap porridge cold, crap porridge in the pot nine days old.
There’s this Chinese restaurant in St. Louis that serves a “Flaming Poo Poo Platter”.
It’s really good, despite the name.
It has secret ingredients and crap. Why the heck do you need to know? it is hot and fragant and tastes well so eat the cursed thing already!
um… isn’t it usually?
Well, at least this is the first crap here that doesn’t have Fresh Herpes…
Smells like the ocean, just near the outfall.
At least these people are aware that their s**t DOES stink.
the “fragrant and hot crap” is the only thing on the menu that i can tell what it’s supposed to be
I’ll have my Hot & Fragrent crap with the steamed crap and flesh flesh
Oh Lord! Why did they have to translate THAT one! I’d rather not have known (when in Rome…)
The chef’s very own steaming creation.
Shall I serve fresh one in front of you?
with cilantro for fresh breath
Whipped crap is light and fleshy!
‘Pre digested food!’
Fine dining at it’s best. It’s hot and smells good, what else did you want?
Mmmm! Fresh crap!
Mmmm! Flesh crap!
(My apologies I mistyped my mistype)
Tonight’s special…half price!
Tonight’s special-half price!
served steamy fresh with a glass of coolpis orange juice.
Waiter? Did you use a microwave to heat this up or something? The texture is just crap!
Mina sam, kiteh kiteh!
This place sell just flesh from kitchen! Hot Tasty Crap, with side of Shredded Garbage Salad!
That’s nothing.
My local Thai has IronBark “Burning Crack” Steak with Special Sauces.
That’s what happens when the owner brings his puppy to work!
i think i like this crap
Hey, this goes well with Chocolate Puke!
Mmmm chunky AND fragrant
ooh, so appetizing!
This crap is so yummy ….
Made from the restraunt valley of customers willing to give away there crap!
uhm, waiter, please serve it in a golden toilet plate please?
Served with a side order of garden salad and antibiotics.
Who ate it before I bought it?
Um can I place an order for the already eatten steak with a side of roses?
Haha, joke’s on you — I don’t pay that for MY fragrant, hot crap! I can make it at home!
Wow! This crap smells nice!
Penguins, or hot crap. WHAT TO CHOOSE 😀
For 5 yuan, you can also order the cold and putrid urine.
It’s always more fragrant the hotter it is…
I prefer fragrant hot dog