Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
You must be satisfy Engrish
Just forrowing orders, rieutenant…
posted on 4 Sep 2008 in Clothing
Where do I re-enrist?
Tag reads: “P-Box We are the clothing of your satisfaction”
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Yeah, I’m a miritary blat
i work in interrigence
Out of uniform? I’m on reave!
“Light Light Light Reft Light!”
Maybe you shouldn’t use the hand grenades…
…hand glenades…
“Drop And give me Rifty, maggot!”
Plesent alms!
Hookid un foniks werked fer mi!
“RECRUITS!! reft face! Light face!”
Always be sure to sarute the generar!
“Beetle Bailey! One more screw-up like this and you’ll be peeling potatoes again!”
“Solly, Salge!”
Plepale fol battre!
I was in the Miritary but I went AWROL
“See, Mr. President? Their spies are everywhere. Even a 3-star General…
This is clearly a typo… It should be ‘miritaly.’
I can’t wear that shirt! It says Army and I’m a Maline!
I can beat that – I’m a Gleen Bellet!
how about an ALMY shirt?
Meritary = Merit + Military
Hopefully as ‘Meritary’ makes the world better, like there are no fights anywhere in the world.
If so, =)
I joined the almy and my salgeant gave me a plomtion to become a genelar
“You! Go to the fighting room!”
P-Box…. crorths fol my satisfaction….
I laughed so hard when I saw this that I literally had to hold my nose and walk into the other room to avoid embarrassing myself in front of my roommate.
… I mean that I had to close my mouth and hold my nose to keep from letting sound come out.
I arways wanted to be a sordiel. I rook good in unifolm.
Hey, I am Captain Smith! Wait, there are no “R’s” in that. Crap.
Well then, Herro!
guess which one is the spy
be a brave soldrer.
I don’t row what I’ve been rold!
It’s a miritary dog shirt for Astro.
Only things that come out of Oklahoma are steels and queels, and I don’t see no metal on you boy, so you must be a queel.
If there is miritary, ail force can’t be far behind !!
the R’s again!
Born to Kirr!
Did Scooby-Doo enlist?
raggy! they rot me in the reg!
have they considered the navy SEARS? or the almy?
Well some people get there man vagina in a tangle,… But im an SF in the AIR FORCE!!
Its foxin’ Funny so calm down MIKE
– One! Two! Three! Foul!