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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Low bridge a-comin’?
…duck! goose!
…the other white meat!
It’s the head-chopping truck!
Lenny’s TR-D transposition speech impediment finally affected his work…
It season for duck! It season for rabbit! It season for duck! It season for rabbit! it season for rabbit! It season for duck, To start the fire! …Reprehensible are you.
The only way to avoid ‘Quack ups’ !
when the trailer says “and cover” then I start worrying
…and cover!
Don’t duck! Dive for cover!
…the other white truck!
…from the people who brought you such landmark products as “FISH!” and “BEEF!”
…I’ll throw in the horn that goes *QUACK* for free
store mgr: I couldn’t understand your accent… why are you parked here?
guy: Because, thir, I am a duck dwiver and I’m dewivering ad your dock!
Which way to the hospital? I need to see a quack!
It warns the people it runs over!
The back says “If you can read this, you should’ve listened”
Because its easier to run you over when your ducking in the street.
I guess the message says it all when the truck approaches a short bridge or a mortar shell attack ;>)
I hope it doesn’t fly south for the winter…
…delivering the new Fall line of “Things that are Too Low”
well we had to name it duck because our old heads up trucks murdered 5 people
The truck goes “Quack quack”.
Or just stay out of the streets.
imprinted in the fender : learn to duck.
And after a few minutes, a truck with “ing hell!” comes along.
It beats a truck that says “Anthrax”.
I think the term is “GET OUT OF THE WAY!”
If Duck King from Fatal Fury was a Truck Driver
There’s no way that one can fly. They’ve fed it too much iron!
The truck driver is actually a peking duck
Like THAT’S gonna help when it runs your ass over.
Larry got hit by a Goose the other day.. *sniff*
A knock-off of DODGE.
I did duck, but the truck STILL hit me!
-ing isn’t going to save your ass.
5m tall truck: 4m high tunnel.
Choose the Duck! company over Goose! or Turkey! moving services
Duck! If you’re 5inches tall!
TEACHER: Okay, Jimmy, if you see a puddle, you…
JIMMY: Jump?
TEACHER: Good. And if you see a bear, you…
TEACHER: Good. And if you see a white truck, you…
JIMMY: Duck?
TEACHER: NO! Where do you get these ideas!?
well, that’s..umm win @-@
What are you talking about? It’s a goose, you silly!
Should’ve taken a left turn at Albuquerque.
Best trucking company on the planet! 🙂
Stand your ground….I mean, duck!
Not sure that highway-crossing roadkills-to-be can read that…
Quack at the wheel