thats whats in it–no surprises.
At one point he passed another truck that had “Sauce” written on
So then there was Duck Sauce all over the road.
Billy Pilgrim
15 years ago
With the new Goose! company, these make for a great highway game.
15 years ago
Obviously we needed a new name- Goose! didn’t do very well. Ran over ten people…
15 years ago
Duck! Under no circumstance should you attempt to jump.
Baller Important
15 years ago
Gore Pattern
15 years ago
Don’t duck, charge!
15 years ago
If you don’t run, you will be sitting ducks!
15 years ago
If everybody does it the driver can pretend to have hydraulics
15 years ago
Well what if the truck was actually driven by real ducks huh what about that I think we are all being a little too insensitive towards the feelings and rights of ducks
should have said “SQUISH!”
Or else!
The National Rifle Association turns over a new leaf in public relations.
truck is helpful when one is about to drive into some crossing ducks on the street
Because I’m a bomb
What are we shipping again?
you’re telling me to duck when i should be getting out of the way :I
This would’ve appeared in Adult Engrish, had the first letter not been mistyped… 😉
Be careful not to back into the duck pylons.
Oncoming truck says “No! YOU DUCK!”
Duck! is a big moving company in Japan. those trucks are parked outside my apartment block every week.
I like it much more than the one that said “Wildebeest!”
Low. Ri. Der.
Ok, I ducked, now what?
The ‘Aiming For Your Head Ladder Company’ decided they were tired of lawsuits.
The reason for so many fatalities involving a truck.
Too bad the people in the luggage rack can’t see the front…
This is what you do when you forget to look both ways…
This driver has a very good safety record
It’s a house-moving track in Japan… Duck must be slow, though…
Dang, I lose!!
I’ve seen this before it’s from Fudd Inc Hunting Tours…
The one that says Wabbit must be in the shop again.
“Duck season!” “Wabbit season!””Duck season!” “Wabbit season!” “Duck season!” “Wabbit season!” “Rabbit season!” “DUCK SEASON, SHOOT ‘IM!”
Haha! Bridge ahead.
I love this picture. It’s a quack up!
Japan photos, I love it, but why the name is so ugly?
trucker with 20/20 foresight for low bridges.
My brakes broke and I didn’t want to fix them.
… and on the bottom is says “I warned ya…”
Donald didn’t listen…
thats whats in it–no surprises.
At one point he passed another truck that had “Sauce” written on
So then there was Duck Sauce all over the road.
With the new Goose! company, these make for a great highway game.
Obviously we needed a new name- Goose! didn’t do very well. Ran over ten people…
Duck! Under no circumstance should you attempt to jump.
Don’t duck, charge!
If you don’t run, you will be sitting ducks!
If everybody does it the driver can pretend to have hydraulics
Well what if the truck was actually driven by real ducks huh what about that I think we are all being a little too insensitive towards the feelings and rights of ducks
…now quick! Run ’em over!
” ever wonder why the boss put that up there?”
“put what?”
“the sign”
” nahh, nothing to worry abo- LOW BRIDGE”
Ghetto Lowrider
A subsidiary of “Pig?”
The real Optimous Prime
The next truck in the convoy read, “Plum Sauce”
MALLARD !! (mork from ork )
I don’t think you can duck low enough to avoid THE FRONT END OF THE TRUCK.
At least this company gives coherent instructions…
Quack :3