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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
We Always Happy When You Is
You’ll block traffic
posted on 26 Jun 2007 in Chinglish
Those committing suicide will be severely punished…
Photo courtesy of “KK @_@”.
Found in Taipei, Taiwan.
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Welcome to Topper’s House, Beijing. Mind the railing when you jump.
Now I know how a ferret in a round cage must feel…
Dieing and Dying are two different things.
right over there will be okay.
what will u do to me if I die here? kill me again?
Death is prohibited, but what about DANCING!! DO THE HUSSLE!!!!!
Except on Sundays and holidays.
So if you never leave there, will you live forever?
Strictly speaking. The translation is correct. The sign itself just doesn’t make sense in either language!!
Just walk a few blocks down and there is an area where living is prohibited.
The ‘Death and Dismemberment Area’ is now located next to the food court.
A recent scientific research study suggests that English-speaking tourists in China are at a 90% higher suicide risk than others…
Well at least they got something right.
you will be subject to death penalty….
Death penalty for those who break this law!
die somewhere else
It looked like the coolest place to drop dead too…
yeah go die over there
heck, why bother giving the suicidals counseling, just put of few more of these signs around town and their all set
It is prohibited to die here, but you are allowed to die nearby the Grinch’s house.
It’s art, guys. Graffiti. Actually pretty clever. More about it here (including an update on the sign’s fate):
If you die here your coffin will only be lowered five feet!
Disobey and suffer the consequences…
is dying there even legal???
………….maybe some joke for the foreigners to laugh about their “good” engrish
Take a few steps back and collapse.
Curses, foiled again!
don’t kill me here, it’s even more illegal
*Sniff* I have no reason to live. T-T I’m gunna end it all now. *Sniff* This seems look like a good place. *Sees Sign* Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Food Great For Eat Now!
Funny cuz it actually says that in Chinese. xD
Go over there to die please. Thank you.
dying in front of road will earn you ticket
will be given after funeral.
Are zombies allowed in this zone?
apparently people aren’t allowed to jump off the building and land there.
Violators will be sentences to the Life Sentence, 50 years
Violators will be hanged to death…
The penalty for dying here: death
Damn! NOW ya tell me, I read this after…………….
Guess this isn’t a Death Race pit stop…
Excuse me sir, could you tell me where the dying area is? I can’t seem to find it.
Better die on the other side of that wall
If you disobey you could get life!
punishable by death!
penalty by death
Violators will receive the death sentence
what does this look like! a graveyard????
it actually means the same thing in chinese.
Lol this is weird. It says exactly the same thing in Chinese. It has nothing to do with bad english.
Those already dead allowed.