Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Bring Love Engrish
I hate to say I told you so…
posted on 21 Jun 2011 in Stationery
Inside: “Just a matter of time my friend…”
Photo courtesy of Miko Hayashi.
Greeting card found in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
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The final caption under the horse shoe read ‘good luck with the court case’
Congratulations upon the announcement of your (strike out those which do not apply):
New home
Massive argument
Descent into alcoholism
Violent outbursts
Messy Divorce
Financial ruin
With Best Wishes (enter name here) ………………………
Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas.
Regrets, I’ve had a few.
Honesty in Greeting Cards — An idea whose time has come.
Manufactured by Woods and Weiner Inc. of USA
What did you say your name was again?
Son, listen to me: it’s all fun with bells and hearts right now, but trust me: no horse shoe is gonna save you from this!
I could have had a V8….
With deepest sympathy on your wedding day…
And my wife sometimes visits this site.
You know what they say: Err in haste; repent at leisure. Then lose half your stuff and have bitter custody battles.
It is strongly advised to regret BEFORE wedding!
They never married. Probably because of that regretting card.
I can’t wait for the next wedding invitation.
So don’t get married.
Marry one get a mother-in-law.
So where’s the “Congratulations on Your Latest Divorce” card?
BEST Engrish EVER!!!
How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways….
From Hallmark’s “Happy Condolences” collection,
re: Haitian Divorce (Steely Dan)
It’s a wedding and divorce card all in one, saves the sender money and time.
The designer of this card should regret giving the horseshoe a turd brown color!
It was spotted in Japan.. I’m really not surprised
She told you she was a virgin, didn’t she?
Where’ya going mate? I’m going to get a new car for the wife.
Gee! i wonder what I could get for mine.
I’m stil ltrying to figure out what it was intending to say haha!
Sorry seems to be the hardest word ……
That’s what you get for not signing a prenuptial agreement…
I wish someone would have sent me this three wives ago.
Coming soon for Valentins Day… the ‘you’ll do’ card.
Perfect for lovebirds everywher!
That’s not a horse shoe but something it left behind.