I'll keep a look out....
Photo courtesy of Lucas.
Taken in Hong Kong - one of the most
densely populated places on earth.
Japanese text reads: 'Sorry, but no foreigners allowed in King Mhu'
Photo courtesy of Shayne Stockstill.
Photo courtesy of Troy Montgomery.
This is quite different than the 100% cheerful curry
using mild Japanese apples and
cute hamsters I am used to...
Photo courtesy of Killane.
But they are so deceptively cute!
Photo courtesy of Tony Sun.
Photo courtesy of Keith Kemerer.
I still don't get the wao factor...
Photo courtesy of Ryan Hines.
What was Frank taking at the time?
Photo courtesy of Shai Shahar.
What hell indeed...
Photo courtesy of Keith Collazo.
Can someone tell me how to contact these Incas?
(From a fire exit map in a Kumamoto, Japan hotel room)
Photo courtesy of Jenny Fielden.