April 22nd, 2004

Bathroom Sign

Hey radies!

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April 21st, 2004

Spa Menu

Also known as the Burgess Meredith rub-down...  

Photo courtesy of William Perrin.

Seen at a Taiwanese beach resort.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (76 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5)
April 20th, 2004

Hotel Notice



Photo courtesy of Jason Tribbeck.

Letter found on bed of Tokyo hotel room.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (52 votes, average: 3.77 out of 5)
April 19th, 2004

Bell Bear

Cartoon obesity is no joke...  

Photo courtesy of Emil & Jenny.

Photo of a pen case. 

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April 16th, 2004

Oh Rearry?

And they say people can't form sentences stoned...  

Photo courtesy of Bodi Anderson.

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April 15th, 2004

Hello My Teddy

We are the Morg. You will be assimilated...  

Photo courtesy of Matt Spare.

Photo of a framed picture.

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April 14th, 2004

Cooling Cube

This is even better than Rubik's Cube...  

Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Ennis.

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April 13th, 2004

Greacus Gym

Nothing over 10 pounds...  

Photo courtesy of Jessica Vapnek.

Gym found in Cyprus. 

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April 12th, 2004

Chocolate Drink

50% more choking guaranteed!


Photo courtesy of Peter Garnhum.

Drink from Korea. 

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April 9th, 2004

Flaming Robot

Pull his lever and he sings Dancing Queen...  

Robot from China.

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