January 2nd, 2020

Dishwasher safe!

It's a New Year's tradition.

Photo courtesy of Angie Ramos. 

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January 1st, 2020

Happy new years to you too…

2021 - nap time...

Photo courtesy of Bob DeWitt. Found in Shanghai, China. 

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December 31st, 2019

Feeling of Eggs

Photo courtesy of Kristen Taylor. Stationery set found in Japan. Originally posted 2009.03.10

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December 30th, 2019

Is there anything candy can’t do?

I got diabetes just wearing this...

Photo courtesy of David S.  Tag found on a shirt in Japan. 

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December 27th, 2019

This explains a lot…

Photo courtesy of TexasJin. Driving school brochure found in Kumamoto, Japan. Visit the Terra Bal website here! (Originally posted 2008.12.06)

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December 26th, 2019

The person is always starting something…

Everything is okp.

Photo courtesy of AVS. T-shirt found in Taiwan. 

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December 25th, 2019

I don’t it get.

What did you Santa ask?

Photo courtesy of Phil Cigan. Shopping flier found in Kyushu, Japan. Originally posted Christmas 2010. 

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December 23rd, 2019

Sorry, no Christmas this year…


Photo courtesy of Edward Hui. Originally posted in 2008. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (493 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5)
December 20th, 2019

Don’t eat the soup!

It's the noodles...

Photo courtesy of Omar Khouri. Spotted in Chongquing, China.

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December 19th, 2019

It’s made of…

Photo courtesy of Vincent Barnhart. Found in a cash register play set for children. 

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