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Poor Piggie

posted on 23 Nov 2006 in Menus

Be thankful you are not an uncared ham…

Photo courtesy of Peter Thompson.

Menu found at a beer hall in Ebisu, Tokyo.

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King of…

posted on 5 Sep 2006 in Menus

This dud’s for you…


Photo courtesy of Simon Gibson.

Menu found in China. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (73 votes, average: 3.96 out of 5)

Chinese Menu

posted on 19 Aug 2006 in Menus


Photo courtesy of Ben Fabrislane.

Menu found in Zhejiang, China.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (353 votes, average: 4.69 out of 5)

Rosso Spumante

posted on 27 May 2006 in Menus

I’ll just stick with the Cabernet…


Photo courtesy of Caleb Brown & David Tralaggan.

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Chinese D*mping

posted on 25 May 2006 in Menus


Photo courtesy of Sam and Connie Chow.

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Kind of grainy…

posted on 23 May 2006 in Menus


Photo courtesy of Kenji Crosland.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (74 votes, average: 4.31 out of 5)

For Lodgers

posted on 9 Feb 2006 in Menus

Look, lodgers – just eat it, OK?


Photo courtesy of “Pilot Mike”.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (47 votes, average: 3.81 out of 5)

Soup Special

posted on 6 Jan 2006 in Menus

Could be a noodle, I don’t know…


Photo courtesy of Safaia.

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Laced with…

posted on 29 Dec 2005 in Menus


Photo courtesy of Shirley Chan.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (121 votes, average: 4.46 out of 5)

Oh the French…

posted on 5 Dec 2005 in Menus

Flown in straight from Paris…


Photo courtesy of Kenji Tasaka.

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (64 votes, average: 3.56 out of 5)
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