Supposed to be Ultimate Fighting Championship.
Photo courtesy of Collin Williamson.
Mixed martial arts is the ultimate fag thing.
I can’t believe they got the bottom sign right and the top one sooo wrong 😛
So who will emerge as the ultimate FAGther?
hey, it’s not nice to ht fags.
Aye, they foond a Scootsmun to FAGHT lack William Wallace!!!
I don’t want to know what the trophy looks like.
Irony that they wear shorts…….
If it is a silent “g” then the faghting must stink!
good UFC advertising always targets the homophobic fanbase
Top one is a TV???? Someone typoed it then…
Freaking Hitler would love this.
I am the Kang of Faghters.
Mixed martial arts is the ultimate fag thing.
I can’t believe they got the bottom sign right and the top one sooo wrong 😛
So who will emerge as the ultimate FAGther?
hey, it’s not nice to ht fags.
Aye, they foond a Scootsmun to FAGHT lack William Wallace!!!
I don’t want to know what the trophy looks like.
Irony that they wear shorts…….
If it is a silent “g” then the faghting must stink!
good UFC advertising always targets the homophobic fanbase
Top one is a TV???? Someone typoed it then…
Freaking Hitler would love this.
I am the Kang of Faghters.