After Do Do Casual Restaurant and coffee spot ugly what do you expect.
Droll not Troll
5 months ago
Who left tripe all over the floor, anyway?
5 months ago
Triping during dunken walking, do gently.
Droll not Troll
5 months ago
You don’t have to be drunk to walk here, but it helps.
5 months ago
It’s the Chinese Ministry of Silly Walks
5 months ago
TWI: triping while intoxicated.
Running Comment
5 months ago
It’s all tripe to me.
5 months ago
Cop stopping a weaving car, driver rolls down window, cop gets a whiff and…: “Sir, the fumes coming from you would pickle a rat! How can you dare to drive so drunk?”
Drunk Driver: “Well, you don’t exshpect me to walk like this, do you?”
True story.
5 months ago
If you tripe while you’re walking drunkenly, your guts will fall out.
After Do Do Casual Restaurant and coffee spot ugly what do you expect.
Who left tripe all over the floor, anyway?
Triping during dunken walking, do gently.
You don’t have to be drunk to walk here, but it helps.
It’s the Chinese Ministry of Silly Walks
TWI: triping while intoxicated.
It’s all tripe to me.
Cop stopping a weaving car, driver rolls down window, cop gets a whiff and…: “Sir, the fumes coming from you would pickle a rat! How can you dare to drive so drunk?”
Drunk Driver: “Well, you don’t exshpect me to walk like this, do you?”
True story.
If you tripe while you’re walking drunkenly, your guts will fall out.