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Something to open the sluices.
I guess somethings akimbo
Wontons a specialty.
Do we need to know which opening?
A couple of cheap beverages and this shop is anybody’s.
It’s not slu tea, it’s just a little commitment challenged.
Slut-ea is the official tea of the Suck Ho Bldg.
Now hiring all new openings at the Suck Ho Bldg.
We slash the slush price by 30%
The service was a little sluggish.
I’ll take Whore ads for 500, Alex.
The newest business on the sloppy road.
Exclusive tea shop of the Paris Hilton hotel.
They not only promise lower prices, they also promise cuity.
Sluttea and tittea.
Two of my most favourite beverages.
“There’s no opening there sir.”
‘The amount of money I’m paying for this, I’ll make my own.’
I believe this is a joint venture, between Paris Hilton, and Kim Kardashian.
Jokes aside. I heard (on ABC) Kim Kardashian talking on the Armenian problem. She was addressing some forum or the other
She was a very good speaker, extremely well-informed, and quite erudite. She sounded more like an History Professor, than some bubble-headed celebrity.
I go there for the free samples.
A good place to dip your bag, if you know what I mean.
For thirsty girls….
@Marum: You can never take public images at face value. Are Joe Biden or Dan Quayle really so stupid either?
“Me love you oolong time.”
I wonder about the old opening
Also called ‘HoTea’
waitress where’s my happy ending?
@FB 0839 We will also allow to have a quick pekoe.
allow you (enschuldigen mir)
Entschuldigung (Gottverdammte)
@Long Tom 0756. You’re correct. George Bush Jr. was even stupider.
Quote: “I have many opinions on this matter, and I don’t necessarily agree with them all.” Unquote: Waaaa?
If it were in Japan it could be “Slush? Hai.
BTW. The owner’s name is Ho Chi Min Slu.
I know some chess openings have really weird names, but never heard of that (that’s why it’s *new*, huh?)… Hope it’s not a variation of the Monkey’s Bum (an actual chess opening!)
@alexmagnus: Must be rule 34a: If it exists, there’s pawn of it. 😛
@ Frank Burns—-LMAO!!!!!!!!
@Marum: And what about our current Prez? Unless all those conspiracy theories that he deliberately wants to destroy America are true.
@Long Tom 0753. Ich bin ein Australien, therefore I don’t live there. But, to hear him speak, he sounds very calm, logical, and well reasoned. We all know however, by the time his monitors etc., have vetted every word he utters, it would be highly unlikely that any glimmer of his real personality shows through. Look at our Turnbull \and Abbott. At least you knew most of that which Abbott said, was really him. Everybody seemed to resent that. His Jesuit training really showed through. Turnbull is a totally manufactured plastic item. Seems to be what the people prefer. Sign… Read more »
@Marum: Obama has a reputation in the USA for only being able to speak well when he reads the Teleprompters. Not otherwise.
For a good time, call…
Talking of openings reminds me of the prostitute who had her appendix removed but asked the doctor not to stich her up because she wanted to make a bit on the side.
New fistula…