The meehanics are working on this…
Photo courtesy of Peter Muir. Found in China.
So I put my finger here?
Cut the cable! Stream your injuries through the internet!
Crazy Mascara Lady says “shhhhhh!”
Hee hee!
This looks baad
Injureycable is specifically designed for injuries. Only put finger in between cogwheels if you want injurey.
This Meehan person will be banned from the work site.
Injurey cable is for “digital” use only.
I had no idea trees were that dangerous.
Do not touch the “flowers.”
Solemn disintegrity possible is.
Beware of exclamation point.
“You eeeediot! You stuck your feenger in the meechanical injureycable!” *smack smack slap slap bonk boing doink slap*
Do not sit on exclamation marks. They may cause grave insult to backside.
Small Lopsoded Cogman Is Watching You
CAUTION! Putting appedages in cogwheels, may cause them to be chewed off.
hey Chang! Would you mind pointing out which gear is chipped?
Oh, Lord! One more injury to my meehan and my curling career is over.
I used to feel like a cog in the machine. Now I am one !
May we remind you, this area is injureycable. Please be self-restraint because we are not lawsuitable!
This is why the manicure shops in my town are staffed by Koreans, not Chinese.
Danger! Keep sharp points away from small, round body parts.
Why is it always about me, me, me?
Don’t worry, We have plenty of skilled Meehicans on it!
Wait, what’s this thi – Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
So I put my finger here?
Cut the cable! Stream your injuries through the internet!
Crazy Mascara Lady says “shhhhhh!”
Hee hee!
This looks baad
Injureycable is specifically designed for injuries. Only put finger in between cogwheels if you want injurey.
This Meehan person will be banned from the work site.
Injurey cable is for “digital” use only.
I had no idea trees were that dangerous.
Do not touch the “flowers.”
Solemn disintegrity possible is.
Beware of exclamation point.
“You eeeediot! You stuck your feenger in the meechanical injureycable!”
*smack smack slap slap bonk boing doink slap*
Do not sit on exclamation marks. They may cause grave insult to backside.
Small Lopsoded Cogman Is Watching You
CAUTION! Putting appedages in cogwheels, may cause them to be chewed off.
hey Chang! Would you mind pointing out which gear is chipped?
Oh, Lord! One more injury to my meehan and my curling career is over.
I used to feel like a cog in the machine.
Now I am one !
May we remind you, this area is injureycable. Please be self-restraint because we are not lawsuitable!
This is why the manicure shops in my town are staffed by Koreans, not Chinese.
Danger! Keep sharp points away from small, round body parts.
Why is it always about me, me, me?
Don’t worry, We have plenty of skilled Meehicans on it!
Wait, what’s this thi – Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!