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A North Korean delicacy.
Could I have extra MSG with that?
Advertising tip: don’t try the produce immediately before writing the slogan
Peasants know all about polysaccharide.
I’m not a peasant, so can I have this after pizza instead?
@Seventy2rd o clock: Peasants probably think that’s a fancy donkey ride.
This gives me a MY-Grain.
Round here we call that a plate of rocks.
May I have it after a fashion grill instead?
Those look like petrified mushroom.
After grains come mushrooms. After mushrooms comes polysaccharide. This all makes perfect sense if you have eaten the right kind of mushrooms.
@Droll not Troll. Polsaccaharides are polymers of Monosaccharides.
As I tghought, it is when you buy more than one ticket for the ride.
Polly want a sack of rides?
(crackers have too much starch)
@ Droll not Troll: Exactly – because of mushrooms!
Explanation: MUSH Room = Multi-User Shared Hallucination Room
Who’s after grains?
Actually. They look more like cow-cakes to me.
Reminds me of my high school chemistry class, in which we had to a “partial thermal degradation of mixed polysaccharides and organic esters, with legume inclusion,” right before the Christmas break.
Peanut brittle!
^ “had to DO a…”
After drinking grain, I don’t think eating any of those is gonna be wise.
Polysaccharides or not.
Waiter . . . pleasant-haze bathroom di-saccharide.
Before grains please!
No we meant “After brains”. Food for poor Chinese zombies
She just had the bun taken out of her oven.
Don’t eat the after grains!
Way to reduce the peasant’s population
Hmm, I was hoping my lunch options today were going to be
a little less scientific…
Just because mushroom farmers are poor, doesn’t mean you should pick on the mushrooms.