You know it’s working when make mind and body relaxed…

You know it’s working when make mind and body relaxed…

posted on 2 Feb 2024 in Chinglish

Photo courtesy of Scott.

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Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

My name is Hand, Jelly Hand.

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

For people with limp wrists

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

How time flies – it is already rat mark hour !

5 months ago

No surprises here, using a computer rat instead of a mouse is asking for trouble.

5 months ago

Miss Kitty meets rat mark

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

The wrist is easy to avoid but it’s the elbow that’s dangerous.

5 months ago

If you’re feeling blue

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Really eerie coincidence — Jelly Hand Mat was our high school rock band!
Plus, our most requested song? You guessed it — Suffer the Fatigue!


And to think we almost named the band Suffer the Fatigue, and our best hit Jelly Hand Mat… it just boggles the mind.


Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Your mission, should you choose to accept it… Operation Computer Rat Mark Hour.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Like they always say, you can avoid the wrist, but you can’t proficiency.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

We make you the mind and body while you suffer the fatigue, ™

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Whoa, dude, there’s doin’ the hand jive, and then there’s goin’ the jelly hand mat, bro.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Hi, tech support? I can’t figure out where to plug in the tail on my new computer rat…

5 months ago

Jelly Hand Mat says: instructions unclear.

5 months ago

Operation Computer Rat is a go!

The Dude
The Dude
5 months ago

I doubt I’d get more proficiency with a computer rat.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

The computer rat won’t last long. I have Cat 6 cable.

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