We’re dog people…

We’re dog people…

posted on 7 Feb 2024 in Chinglish, Signs

First off, have you ever seen a cat use soap?

Photo courtesy of Seth Williams. 
Spotted in China. 

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5 months ago

I’ve just had a bath!

5 months ago

When you’ve been on the job….

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

Happiness is a clean pussy.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

No hard felines, though.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

Go cat go!

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

@DnT: Good one ! I was playing around with Flannery O’Connor but couldn’t get it right.

Last edited 5 months ago by Running Comment
Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

@RC: Thanks, but I don’t even know which comment you mean.

Also, re your comment: er… necrophilia? 😛

5 months ago

Looks like some official found one too many cat turds on their driveway…

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Next Exits: What’s Up Pussycat, What’s Up Doc

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Looks like someone used up at least eight lives all at once.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Voted best Beatnik Sign in the Wild.

Runner-up: Put That Back Daddy-o.

Last edited 5 months ago by Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Their Sister City is Hello I Must Be Going.

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

@DnT: The feline one. I was fiddling with “A hard cat is good to find”, but it wasn’t dirty enough, so no go (or come).

billy swanson
billy swanson
5 months ago

There’s a “fix” for that.

5 months ago

I’ll have you know my pussy’s as clean as yours! Thank you, Molly Sugden)

Last edited 5 months ago by P.D.
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