Public Security Bureau needs to build a wall…

Public Security Bureau needs to build a wall…

posted on 15 Feb 2024 in Chinglish, Signs

Photo courtesy of Stephen Stewart.
Found in China. 

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5 months ago

No need for ET to call home.

5 months ago

They seem stuck.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

Oh, geez! You’d squeeze overseas Chinese in with ETs? Puh-lease!

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

Looks like a peminent reqiement.

5 months ago

This message brought to you by Hei Yi Ren, the Chinese Men In Black.

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

“Let’s see if I got this right – it kills on sight, has acid for blood and is generally unpleasant…and it came on your ship!”
(If anyone remembers this one…).

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

I will be lodging a complaint with the Public Security Bureau of Lijiang for pemitting aliens to roam freely.

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

If you go and stay at Alien Lodge, don’t omit to try their Pan Galactic Gargleblaster.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

What, no more Cowboys and Aliens?!

Last edited 5 months ago by Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Special “pemit” to dislodge is very, very expensive.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

“Hey, Ed! You gotta check out this crazy-looking Mens Room!”

Last edited 5 months ago by Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Well, sure — but an hour later, you want to visit another planet.

The Dude
The Dude
5 months ago

Let’s just say those overseas Chinese are gonna have a VERY close encounter.

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