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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Good, because my hair is vegan.
Help – my shampoo is full of vegetables !
I submitted my tender for hair and skin, but here I am, still bald and debrided.
I don’t need this product. I’ve been in the soup often enough.
As opposed to an extract from unnatural vegetables?
A caesar might be a problem
So what dressing would you like.
We have no morels. Lettuce pea on your body.
Directions: Rinse. Roast. Eat. Repeat.
Caution: Vegetables may be livelier after first soaking.
Serving suggestion only; do not place mouth on hot, all-natural plastic spigot.
Note: Vegetables enhanced by science to simulate natural flavor.
Warning: Consume, then baste head and bake at 350° for one hour before self-burial.
Serving Suggestion: All-natural flavor packet safe to use with all artificial vegetable mixes.
Legal notice: Food may be habit-forming.
NOTICE: Do not taunt formula of natural vegetable extract.
Danger: Eat tenderized hair separately from loose skin.
May contain mechanically-separated vegetable bioengineers.
Soylent Beige™ is made of lawyers.
Insert additional coins for more fiber.
Legally-mandated label statement: Vegetable formula bioengineered to enable maximum corporate profit extraction from human hosts.
WARNING: Vend at own risk Do not expose formula to open air. Do not inhale. Use only with irradiated tongs. Biohazard if not consumed within 4 minutes of mixing.
Push once for sure, push twice for not on your life.
Do not eat until vegetable extract has come to a full stop.
Strong enough for biochemists, but made for unsuspecting diners.™
To use vegetable extract as hand soap, apply three drops to palms and slowly move hands together while in prayer. Good luck!
Caution: SuperExtract 6000™ forms an unbreakable bond within seconds. Do not permanently weld naive internal / external body parts together for all eternity without DissolveAll 6000™ solution [sold separately and at exorbitantly high cost] nearby before using.
Approved safe for external use only on a once-yearly basis ONLY.
Better living through inadvertent exfoliation! ™
Love me extract, love me swell
Never let me steep.
You have made my life complete
And I smell like hell…
[ apologies to Love Me Tender ]
No thanks, my hair smells better with the scent of fruit extract.