Our condiments are insane…

Our condiments are insane…

posted on 30 Jan 2024 in Chinglish, Signs

Our meat supplier has a protection order on us…

Photo courtesy of Patricia Yarrow. 
Spotted in Taipei, Taiwan. 

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Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

You need to be committed to work there.

5 months ago

Tru our mad cow selection.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
5 months ago

Has a nutty flavour with a hint of bananas.

5 months ago

The bugers are on the nose.

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

They misspelt “booger” on the sign on the counter – it says “Crazy Buger”.

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

@Algernon: Sorry mate – didn’t see yours before posting.

Running Comment
Running Comment
5 months ago

Don’t worry about antibiotics…thse burgers are laced with Thorazine !

5 months ago

Crazy Burger, established in 1993 in the UK.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Dairy King and Burger Queen approve!

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Their ‘Shroom Burger is like, wow, craaaazy-trippy, man.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Clazy Flench Flies extla.

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

“That was really good, guys. I’d like to buy you a consonant as a parting gift.”

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Customer: I’ll have a Number 8, hold the sardines, kale, kelp, and horseradish.

Employee: That like a Number 19 you know.

Customer: Except that the 19 has oysters, turnip rings, chard, and smoked wombat.

Employee: And Spam.

Customer: I don’t want any Spam!

[Monty Python skit music starts to play with customers joining in]

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

Come for our Bargain Buffet Blunch — stay for your complimentary Psychiatric Dessert! ®

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit
5 months ago

“Nononono — ‘Crazy Bugger’ is across the street and down a block.”

The Dude
The Dude
5 months ago

So crazy they can’t even decide how their name is spelled.

5 months ago

@Running Comment: Not a problem, you comment is different to mine. But then again great minds think alike.

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