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Sudden Laugh! Engrish
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You can sleep in it
The annulation of the bedspreads. Is there anything Ronanld cannot do.
To be or not to be, that is the tomato.
So that’s where I left my keys! Thanks, Ronald.
In case of annulation of the tomato, call your proctologist.
I annulate, therefore I am
Crazy Buger’s Got Nuddin’ On Us! ™
Billions and Billions Confused ™
You say tomato, we say deluxe annulation. ™
For keys party, we bedspread it your way! ™
With McDonalds, do not try to feel not to be or it will eat you! ™
Y’know, to try not to be eating or not waiting — that’s like, a question?
This is what happens when you eat too often at Crazy Buger.
Don’t rush me — I’m annulatin’ it. I SAID I’m annulatin’ it already!
I think they meant annulment.
The bacon bone is connected to the annulatin’ bone,
the annulatin’ bone is connected to the tomato bone,
the tomato bone is connected to the EAT bone,
the EAT bone is connected to the KEY bone…
And now a brief scene from the surrealist avant garde play, Encounter at the Counter: Big Max Tries a Big Mac:
Employee: Is that to go, or will you be annulating here keys you bedspread?
Customer [shrugs]: Does not try to feel not to be.
Employee: [politely] It will try to eat you.
Customer [sighs] I will try, too.
[fade to blackout and complete unconsciousness]
By the way, what hell is it ?
Maybe it’s waiting to try to eat everybody…
I deserve a break today, but on second thought, I’m gonna pass if the burger’s gonna try to eat me.
This must be one of those hamberders we heard about from Tangerine Twitler.
Ceiling cat is watching you annulate.