Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Just try to be more agreeable…
It puts the acceptance in the basket…
Photo courtesy of Jack O.
Found in a latrine in Iraq during US occupation.
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So… I use the wastepipe, then i use it again, then, because I used it, I need to use it again… NOOO! I just wanna go home!
All these instructions! Where do you get off?
Oh, right – in the basket.
Where do you get off.
Do all this and long life
I’d be interested in hearing some of the comments the soldiers must have made about #10. Such as: “Oh, hygiene deflects bullets now?”
Seriously, who has a fetish for getting off objects in the WC?
So according to #10, some people must long be dead.
You — bugler. Play Misty For Me…. then Taps.
Letterman’s Top Ten List, ala the writer’s strike.
Next Season on Miami Advice: Let’s keep it clean, but confusing, out there!
Number 9: To signal some damage, set fire to water.
Mommy, I have to go Number 27….
These zero-G toilet instructions give me gas cramps. — Dr. Heywood Floyd
Refusals are a slam dunk!
Give a poop, don’t loop the loo!
Live long and dumpster!
Wastepiping is a way a life!
Stay on task — stop getting off on toilet!
Keeping fundament clean is fundamental!
Find a penny, spend it, and all day long have good truck!
— Safety slogans
Please don’t eat the daisies or drink madame’s toilet water.
“I dunno Fred, something’s wrong with this sign — number 8 actually makes sense.”
Number 11: Place feet in stirrups before operating vacuum pump levers.
Wow, the new TSA rules have gotten even stranger than before.
“Hey Bob — you ever see something like this in a rental car before?”
I can semaphore the damage, if you like.
Or I can use Morose Code.
I screamed “NO; F— OFF; and GET STUFFED” into the basket for ten minutes.
Now, having got off all my refusals, I feel much better.
Make Wastepipe Great Again !
If I don’t “get off” in here, then…oh, never mind.