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What will they think of nexr…kiddie coffee ?
Imagine being forced to sell a product pronounced “yuck”.
Coffe out of a can must be like cognac out of a milk carton.
This ain’t no kid stuff.
For when playing away
The gown ups love it
Not as enjoyable as adultery, but better than nothing.
It’s genuine bean coffee.
But WTF is it now.
I once bought myself a box of dark chocolate coated coffee beans.
That, and a bottle of Rum Liqueur.
Talk about a decadent treat.
@Algernon: love your “typo”.
Childies never seem to get as much pleasure out of childery, as adulties do out of adultery.
Every six-pack has a free Dependies.
The only coffee served in a tennis ball can! ™
“Yeah, I’ll take a tube of coffee and a wad of bagel.”
It’s for mummies, daddies, and grannies from their twenties to their nineties.
@DnT….Endorsed by Tutankhamen.
@EM….What they do with the meatballs, is an absolute smash.
@RC….Who cares? I would drink Cognac or single malt Scotch out of a dirty nappy, if needs must.
“For those who want their coffee Naughty, but Nice!”
Our Coffee Liqueur is 120 poof.
The ploof of the Coffee is in the dlinking.
The Nihongo Coffee Battery, causes your EV to stay awake all night, and play “Cardinal Puffs.”