You should see what puppies do…

You should see what puppies do…

posted on 28 Jun 2019 in Engrish from Other Countries, Stationery

And I thought it was my allergies…

Photo courtesy of Wtakerm.
Notebook found in Russia. 

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4 years ago

This is a déjà vu, it was definitely the same cat.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
4 years ago

Right in the felines!

4 years ago

That’s correct. I regularly tangle myself round my owner’s feet, at the top of the stairs.

One day I’ll get him….Marum. (Die tödliche Katze)

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
4 years ago

Little kittens killing people? That’s unpoccible!

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
4 years ago

In Russia, pussy grabs YOU!

4 years ago

So cute.

i wonder what it would be like roasted, in a sauerbraten sauce with loads of sauerkraut.

Für die Marinade Zwiebeln abziehen und in Scheiben schneiden. Suppengrün vorbereiten: Knollensellerie, Möhren schälen. Die 3 Zutaten klein schneiden. Zwiebeln und Suppengrün mit Wacholderbeeren, Pfefferkörnern, Pimentkörnern, Nelken, Lorbeerblatt, Essig und Wasser oder Rotwein in einer Schüssel verrühren. Eine Katze in die Marinade geben, mit einem Deckel oder Frischhaltefolie zudecken und etwa 2 Tage im Kühlschrank stehen lassen, dabei die Katze ab und zu wenden.

Running Comment
Running Comment
4 years ago

Hello Kitty…aaaarrrghh.

4 years ago

Pussies killing people?

I guess, if a very fat lady sat on your face, you well might suffocate.

Frank Burns
Frank Burns
4 years ago

Faster Pussycat Kill Kill Kill.

Frank Burns
Frank Burns
4 years ago

So please donate to the Eliminate Tender Emotions Fund today before it’s too late.

4 years ago

I refuse to tell any; “Vaginas with teeth” jokes here. I think they are in too poor a taste – even for me.

4 years ago

@ Marum, 6:58 AM: Ever see the movie “Vagina Dentata?”

4 years ago

@Chris 0707.Heard of it not seen it.. But that is one of the oldest of legends..

BTW. A “vicious circle” is an ar$eh0le with teeth.

4 years ago
4 years ago

This is definitely a repeat. Webmaster, you’re getting a tad lost, I fear.

Note to future tourists to Israel:
Do NOT pet the cats there.
They’re mostly wild.
And do NOT want to be touched.
And will scratch & bite if you try to pet them.
No telling what kind of diseases those jihadi cats carry.

No I didn’t get scratched or bitten. I was forewarned.
But DID watch other tourists learn this the hard way.

Big Fat Cat
Big Fat Cat
4 years ago

I am a grown up fat cat, I don’t kill people.

4 years ago

@Marum: “I guess, if a very fat lady sat on your face, you well might suffocate.”

Something like that was the theme of one episode of the American series _CSI_. IIRC, the guy was suffocated by too much weight on his chest – and the woman would rather have been charged with murder than suffer the embarrassment of the world knowing that she was so fat she crushed her sex partner to death accidentally.

4 years ago

@markm 1820. That’s funny. I am not up to speed on TV shows, as I don’t own one. (TV that is, not the show) If I wish to watch some spectator sport, such as cricket, football, or a politician being immolated, I go to the club, and make a night-out of it. Have dinner, a glass of good Shiraz, and go home to a nice quiet house. With a TV the house is always noisy, most people I visit, seem to have the TV running 24/7. I guess, they find that it beats having to think. I so value, peace… Read more »

4 years ago

I often wonder what purpose cat’s whiskers serve. Maybe they are a redundant appendage, for some function they needed when wild many years ago.

When I was young, I cut the whiskers off our cat. It seemed to bother my father more than the cat. Despite his dire prognostications of what ills would befall our moggie, It seemed to function flawlessly. The same could not be said for my father’s disposition.

Maybe that is their function: To keep parents calm, in the face of sanity deprivation caused by their offspring.

4 years ago

Actually, I did observe that. As the whiskers regrew, his disposition improved daily.

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
4 years ago

@Marum 2050: I always thought they were like kerb feelers, so the cat can tell if it will fit through a space. One of our cats had his whiskers on one side shortened by the vet, and he didn’t seem too sure of himself until they grew back. But then, he’s a really athletic cat who likes to know everything that’s happening around him.

4 years ago

Bird killers

4 years ago

Don’t look them in the eye

4 years ago

From the book; WHY CATS STARE.

Jedi mind trick; Fe e d m e e. F-e-e-d m e e. Fe e d m e e. F-e-e-d m e e.

Norm: OH! I must feed the cat.

4 years ago

I LiEk to hunt creatives who photoshop my face onto a slightly-too-big head.

4 years ago

@DnT 0044. In the dark perhaps. The speed at which my Burmese used to hurtle through gaps during daylight, by the time the whiskers registered anything he would have been jammed 2 metres into it. I think cats have lots of redundancy systems built in. If one is malfunctioning, another “fail-safe” kicks in, and fills the gap. That being said, I have seen pictures of plenty of cats stuck in things. Usually involving food. The cat’s determination to eat something, overcomes any commonsense or warning systems the cat has. I guess pig-headedness and stupidity, works miracles. (debacles) As it does… Read more »

Droll not Troll
Droll not Troll
4 years ago

Be vewy, vewy quiet! I’z huntin’ hoomins!

4 years ago

Dear Webmaster, I have no earthly desire to see what poopies doo.

Thank you kindly….Marum Katze.

4 years ago

@Marum, re cats stuck in things:

That might also be a result of domestication. Men and cats get to not even thinking about the possibility that it’s a trap.

Shannon F
Shannon F
3 years ago

I’m dying from the cuteness

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