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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I think they’ve eaten too much pate.
Gout de ciel: Aussie translation- Like an angel pissed on my tongue!
Well f$%k the coffee
Who ordered depresso coffee?
I wet my bed, but I do not care.
I suppose the life of a butterfly is OK if you’ve got the stones for it.
@Running Comment: Too much depresso coffee will do that.
Perhaps something for Melania ?
Butterfly gets stoned.
Butterfly thinks he’s waxing profoundly poetic.
And as usual, the sober ones around him can’t make heads nor tails…
…errr, antennae nor heads nor thoraxes nor abdomens about what the heck he’s really trying to say.
Because it’s no more than meaningless stoned butterfly babble.
But he did get some serious munchies.
So the butterfly was all alone. Guess he wasn’t a social butterfly.
Must be I Ron Butterfly lying on the rock of Inna Gotta Davida.
It may taste like Heaven, but I can’t stand Harp music.
As flying is a passion of mine, and I always intended as a career from the age of sight or so, I looked into the flight dynamics of a butterflies. Butterfly wings are more than double the size needed for the payload. So each flap will cause the body to move up and down. The animal then wriggles its body, constantly altering its centre of gravity, so each flap takes it in a different direction. Some butterflies can turn 90 degrees in half a body-length. Credit: Study of Fluid Dynamics at Kyoto Uni., and high-speed photography at John Hopkins. Some… Read more »
Speaking of disabled. I grew up on the Gold Coast. On one of the deserted back beaches in Northern NSW, a pod of Dolphins graciously consented, to allow my friend Gary and I to swim with them. We used to play various tag and catch games. This went on regularly for months. The Dolphins could never figure out why we two boys, were so slow, weak, and clumsy in the water. They used to tow us around, or push us when swimming, to try to teach us how to swim more effectively. Incidentally, from such experiences, I believe Dolphins are… Read more »
That butterfly et my bed!
I don’t care.
When my little Filipina lady was in my bed, it was indeed – avant-goût du ciel.🏩
Chinese hipsters are just as self-loathing and miserable as Western hipsters evidently. Emo knows no barriers.
♫ Gout, Gout, Rest it all Out! These are the friends I can Doo Without.. Come Onnn.. I’m talking to You, so Come Onnn ♫
If you want to see the butter fly, stiff the grumpy waitress on her tip.