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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Plant with too much power
posted on 24 Nov 2018 in Clothing
That stew is cooking itself!
T-shirt found in Tokyo, Japan.
Photo copyright Engrish.com.
Originally posted 12.15.2003.
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Stronger than a clove of garlic…
Able to leap bad cuts of meat…
Bay Leaf Man, Bay Leaf Man, does whatever a curry can…
Buy this shirt and rest on your laurels.
Should curry some flavor
You’re pulling my leaf
Not bad with a roast.
Stew dammit stew.
Time to go to sleep
When the bay leaves, the isthmus go also.
The outrageous power to cut the inside of your mouth if you don’t take it out after cooking.
@Marum | 5:10 am: Also makes a good custard, believe it or not!
New sports team name: The Bay Leaf Packers!
Believe it or not, some people think oregano is too strong for them.
– Bailiff power !
– Outrageous.
@Marum: You mean “Thyme to go to sleep”?
“It’s still missing something” said Rosemary.
“To pull off this caper, I’m gonna need some sage…advice.”
It’s SUPERBAYLEAF! Disguised as the mild-mannered Herb…..
Emperor Paprika:
Unlimiiiiiiiiited ………….. SPICEEEES!!
(lightning bolts shoot out from tongue)
@coffeebot 0220.
You did say “cuts” didn’t you?
For a second there, I had an astonishing vision, of something entirely different
Sort of like the “Seven Lords a leaping”.
Now. I have no idea of what they were leaping onto, or off of. But several of the dairymaids were, “In an interesting condition” as they used to say, in more euphemistic times – long gone.
Well I thought our company was going to make a mint off this soup recipe, but it turned out to be a real lemon. The market segment that was parsley to it, just wasn’t big enough.
Even the sage could need some thyme to keep that bay at bay.
Try Nitrous Oxide in your car.
With all that power you would be laughing – if not euphoric.