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Beware of the barberianing hordes.
If you don’t like the haircut, you can always stick the scissors where it will make him jump.
”I’m a Barbar Girl … *snip*”
Lets all be french bears
As seen in ‘Barbie Scissorhands’
May contain sharp objects
A barber in old Gallipoli,
Grew weary of cutting the hair of the holy,
He grew tired of the sconces,
And Latin responses,
So he switched to maternities solely
A young Aussie lad called Marty,
Trimmed his lady for a party,
He thought totally shaved,
Was oddly depraved,
But a small landing- strip looked good hale and hearty.
Let’s not
Just keep one’s eyes.
The Bar is only for the Daddy.
A barbar is where you can get a hair of the dog hair of the dog.
Sharp scissors are for cutting the BraBra.
Composers like Georg Friedrich Handel, in the 1700s, wrote operas for castrato singers.. They contained long florid passages, full of vocal ornamentation. Whilst they were written for a mezzo soprano, no woman on earth could sing them, for they needed the lung capacity of a grown man. Thus, the Castrati were extremely popular.
Such operas are no longer written. It appears, that the young men of today, are no longer cut out for the job.
The scissors are a defence against fictional elephants.
@ Marum:- Nackerless Nickleby?
@zankhana. 0458. Good one. I see you have a “deep desire”, to alter the names of our characters of literature.
Q. Did you hear of the creative Rabbi?
A. He did his circumventions with Pinking Shears.
Luke 15: 11-32. From the parable of the prodigal son:
And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.
Moral of the story: Forgiveness is great for humans. But $hithouse for cattle.
@Marum | 4:45 am: The young men of today have basser urges.
My neighbour burns a goat every Sunday morning, as an offering to his God.
However, the smell is a stench unto my nostrils. How may I slay him LORD?
Conan the Barber.
@Zankhana. Senorita. I hope you don’t mind my pun on the meaning of your name. From your “nick”, I can only assume you are female.
Hasta luego. Marum (el gato)
@Pete: Only instead of cutting people’s hair off…
On Barbers: Then made the water boiling hot and dipped the razor in. He raised his hand, his brow grew black, he paused awhile to gloat, Then slashed the red-hot razor-back across his victim’s throat: Upon the newly-shaven skin it made a livid mark – No doubt it fairly took him in – the man from Ironbark. He fetched a wild up-country yell might wake the dead to hear, And though his throat, he knew full well, was cut from ear to ear, He struggled gamely to his feet, and faced the murd’rous foe: “You’ve done for me! you dog,… Read more »
@Zankhana a few days ago. BTW. I thank you for your reply on pheromones, even though I am very much a man of science, Physics is more my field than Biology. That information about Celery is interesting. I am one of the few people I know, who really likes celery. I would buy a whole plant from the greengrocer, and eat it whilst I was driving. Whilst I am hetero to the core, that may explain some of the strange phenomena, which have occurred from time to time. Whilst I am not homophobic, I have often worried why I attracted… Read more »
In my world; There has to be a logical reason for everything. I think you have supplied one.
Also in PNG, I was virtually beating off offers from the Motuan ladies. (very few take the contraceptive pill) I figured it was because I was an Aussie, who spoke the language, knew their legends, and the ocean so well. Also my fitness and strength, and a few other things, made them think I might be great fun in the cot. Never had the same results in Oz, but then, most ladies take contraceptive pills.
You have provided another answer to the conundrum.
Barbars were pirates. Their favourite ships were clippers and cutters.
Looks like Barbar got a job cutting hair after he retired from being KIng of the Elephants.
The Beach Boys even have a song about barbers:
@Long Tom above.
I dared not do it myself. But it took far longer than I expected for someone to post the obvious logical link.
I was beginning to think that there were few old bastards like myself here who remember such gems of musicology.👌
@Marum-We have radio stations in the USA that play music from decades before.
“It’s a good thing we elephants have no hair.” – Barbar
The Tunisians would say Let’s home BERBER