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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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A dish is… hey, my eyes are up here!
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Moms making a tit of herself
The lemon grass thicket is down there
– Waiter! My pot isn’t!
– Would you like me to open your cabinet, Madam?
I love spooning that soup.
It estimates the thicket of else a deep dish is
Serving size: two cups.
Waitress can’t keep her tits out of the soup.
That’ll be the day when porks fry.
Is this good soup?
(of corset is)
That’s not a cabinet, it’s a chest!
Is there a bra-becue?
If the fish soup didn’t estimate the thicket, yew wood.
An “A” cup of soup is 70- , a “D” cup is 130-.
I need more than a titbit for dinner.
It’s all poisson to me.
A girl went to church in a topless dress.
Even the minister had a stroke.
A pot, is a pot, is a pot.
Actually. Ned Kelly’s reputed last words might be better.
“Such is life.”
NB. This is the subject of much debate.
I think the last item is a typo.
EDIT: A pork fry pepper garlic
(a pot is)
When the food hasn’t arrived yet, remember the motto of Valentine Michael Smith: “Waiting is.”
The rating for this restaurant’s cleanliness is D+
They must have had Yoda do the translation of the menu.
At least you’ll have a pot to *is* in.