Don’t carry out people of the same trade; let them walk out.
Yu No Hoo
7 years ago
Yu No Hoo
7 years ago
Quick! Buy it before it becomes impossible!
Droll not Troll
7 years ago
We can get it for you theresale.
Seventy2rd o clock
7 years ago
I think, theresale I am.
Seventy2rd o clock
7 years ago
Buy it besale its tool ate.
Seventy2rd o clock
7 years ago
Add us on Myspace
7 years ago
No sale.
There is no lay-by.
7 years ago
Some reprobate friends of mine were in a brothel when the police raided it.
They had payed their money but didn’t get the good.
Any way, the owners of the establishment felt bad about this, and gave them a voucher, for a freebie next time.
Needless to say, they never cashed it in. They had it framed, and there it stood, as a centrepiece on their kitchen table.
I would guess, that few, if any, possess a voucher for a free naughty.
7 years ago
good = goods
7 years ago
My lady used to do something similar She would send me a card with a 💋 mark and a 💘
Across the bottom in small print was: “This voucher may be redeemed, for anything you feel like by presenting it to the sender.
Este bono puede ser canjeado por cualquier cosa que quieras, presentándose al remitente.
Or words to that effect. My Espanol is a tad rusty. Needless to say, I would go to sleep dreaming about her. Which is of course, what that naughty little lady intended.
The same trade impossible
Somany cardsto choosefrom
@Pete I found the lamb ad Australia Day 2016.
Like the USA we had thousands of killjoys whingeing about the ad. Even the regulator got involved. because of excessive violence depicted in the ad.
These bi penile ambidextrous wankers don’t enjoy their own lives, and they try to stop anyone else having a laugh too.
Australia Day lamb ad, starring Lee Lin Chin, attracts …
@Pete BTW.
The Link
They may say it’s impossible, but I don’t buy it.
A Pete Also the 2017 one. Being part aboriginal myself, I recon this one is a corker.
Vegan diet = Fricasseed Credit Cards
Put Credit Card in slot. Press buttons to start.
Operation will cease, when pump stops working.
No withdrawals allowed, until all deposits cease.
@Pete 2017 link:
Don’t carry out people of the same trade; let them walk out.
Quick! Buy it before it becomes impossible!
We can get it for you theresale.
I think, theresale I am.
Buy it besale its tool ate.
Add us on Myspace
No sale.
There is no lay-by.
Some reprobate friends of mine were in a brothel when the police raided it.
They had payed their money but didn’t get the good.
Any way, the owners of the establishment felt bad about this, and gave them a voucher, for a freebie next time.
Needless to say, they never cashed it in. They had it framed, and there it stood, as a centrepiece on their kitchen table.
I would guess, that few, if any, possess a voucher for a free naughty.
good = goods
My lady used to do something similar She would send me a card with a 💋 mark and a 💘
Across the bottom in small print was: “This voucher may be redeemed, for anything you feel like by presenting it to the sender.
Este bono puede ser canjeado por cualquier cosa que quieras, presentándose al remitente.
Or words to that effect. My Espanol is a tad rusty. Needless to say, I would go to sleep dreaming about her. Which is of course, what that naughty little lady intended.
Please don’t be the one whoresale.