Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
You must be satisfy Engrish
Don’t do the bustmp if you can’t pay the correiative!
Looks like you can delete speel rockery from my bucket list…
Photo courtesy of Alex Jones.
Found in Linyi City, Shandong, China.
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This park has gone down the toilet
Not sure to many werkers in this park
Can I strictly prohibit something I understand?
I’ll just smoke the bed then
Sign up for a one year garbage lease.
– Hello, Management? You will be punished!
– ……????….
The lease on your garbage is about to expire. You have 60 seconds to find the nearest dustbin.
They did a great jobbery with the rockery.
@Algernon 4:04: They are wonkers.
Scurviness of workers can be cured if you feed them vitamin C.
Please dispose of pericarp and make sure to fully consume mesocarp and exocarp. Endocarp should be either consumed or discarded depending on membranousness.
This notice is nuts.
Great. Someone ruined the greenbell with their pericarp.
As always, should you, or any member of your team be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This notice will self-destruct in five seconds.
Hanging is too good for them sotrs! Stone ’em, I say!
If wastepaper is not put into dustbin in time, will it turn into a pumpkin?
Provided the contents are henlthy, fowl language will be tolerated.
Look after your child in the r zone. If they have to go take them to the p zone.
A sanitalion is a hygienic feline.
I’m worried about the ect. A rockery doesn’t seem like the right place for electroconvulsive therapy.
The fines they impose as punishment are highway jobbery!
DnT 4:49: Not really, it will only turn into the pericarp of a pumpkin.
The punishment of scurvy workers is the main attraction here.
Too bad, I was going to visit the park with a flammable quick-fry articler…
Jobbery or jabberwocky?
Huh. I don’t believe I’ve heard the rockery speel before.
From ”Toys ‘R’ Zone”
It’s OK mate. If my brats do any of those things, I will feed them to the Tigers.
Peicarp = Fruit anatomy is the internal structure of fruits. Fruits are the mature ovary or ovaries of one or more flowers. In fleshy fruits, the outer layer is the pericarp, which is the tissue that develops from the ovary wall of the flower and surrounds the seeds. But in some seemingly pericarp fruits, the edible portion is not derived from the ovary.
Right 007! Memorize this massage, then destroy yourself.
Sanitation of the road? You mean they disinfect the enTYRE thing.
I observe Asians are not usually too bad with one or two lines. However the longer the communication, especially one of multiple paragraphs. the worse it gets.
It rapidly descends from funny, to farce, then progresses (regresses?) to bathos.
(Bathos is a planet in the Gavetian solar system, where, after a certain stage of development, no furthur progress has been possible for nigh on 10 million years. The reason for this small hiatus in their development, is due to the fact, that no one can ever decipher, in one lifetime, any written instructions)
And we punish workers who have scurviness by forcing them to finish their vegetables at dinner!
The font like an old Reader’s Digest..
Opps! I just dumped quick-fried endocarp, mesocarp, and exocarp into the greenbell.
I’ve heard of Quick Draw McGraw.
But I’ve never heard of Quick Fry McFly!
Whiskey Tango the Foxtrot is Speel Rockery???
Indisorder…..is that anything like Indigestion?
I’m a doctor, not a telepath!
Here, take these oranges, Wang.
They should help fix that scurviness of attitude quickly!
That quick-fry artlicer sounds intriguing. Where can I order it?