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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Make teeth great again!
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Whitemen? Hujambo Bwana?
I am the Guardian of the Tooth, at the Bight of Molar.
They’re everywhere
How did they get them into a tube
My God. There is such a thing as Propolis. That explains the Bee on the label.
@Algernon. 0411. The bees or the whitemen. I fee they are mutually exclusive.
In computer terms 1 or 1 = 1
@Marum | 4:12 am: Propolis tincture is a good thing for the first aid cabinet. Great on wounds, especially torn skin.
fee = feel
Gets teeth really K-K-K-klean!
My teeth don’t have hives!
As Sheriff Bart said, “Hey, where the white women at?”
Guardian of tooth, justice and the American way.
@DnT 0432. It’s Superfang.
Reminds me of the storm over Darkie toothpaste in the 80s which later changed to Darlie. White men should protest and demand the name be changed to Whitie.
When your teeth go black, they’ll never come back.
This propolis comes from honky bees.
I feel this sudden urge to go colonize somebody.
Whitemen is a cousin of He Man, the master of the universe.
Well, nobody would buy a toothpaste named “YELLOWMEN”.
“Whitemen toothpaste; you know it works.”
They also have a product called BLACKMEN, but it is applied much lower than the teeth.
One does not simply brush into molars.
@SF: you mean on the stinger? That would explain the bees.
The milder formulation for children is named “Whiteboys”.
When I first lived in Japan in the late 1980’s, I remember seeing in a small mom & pop convenience strore across the street from my apartment, a toothpaste (or was it a chewing gum? I can’t remember) named “Kuronbo” in Japanese. Which is a vulgar way in Japanese to refer to a black skinned person. Think of it as the Japanese equivalent of the “N-word” without the same cultural undertones as exist in the U.S. There was even a small graphic of a black guy in late 1880’s type sharecroppers’ clothing on the package. How did they translate it… Read more »
– Mommy! I see white people!
– Shut your mouth, sweetie.
Something like Oral-ly Men from Fawlty Towers
The Men Who Say ‘Cheese!’
As seen in ”Men in White”
@SF-You’re basing it on the assumption that women necessarily like huge penises. Not necessarily.
Pete 7:09am : Arsenio Hall did talk about how racist it was regarding “Darlie” retaining the Chinese name ” Black Men toothpaste” on the package on his show.
So, only white teeth considered clean and healthy. That bee racist.
I’m teethless …
If your teeth are black, that’s generally not a good thing no matter what color the rest of your body is.
@SF | 6:13 am: Oh; I guess it’s shoe polish. 😛
Welcome to Cody’s Lab. Today, we’re going to build a beehive in our own mouths. All we need is this dubiously named tube of toothpaste!
Bees and WASPs. Makes sense.
Take a bite out of diversity!