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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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I’ve already got 12 mouths to feed…
posted on 2 Mar 2017 in Engrish from Other Countries
Think how much I could drink with 6 more mouths…
Photo courtesy of Adri de Zwart.
Found at walkway in Thailand.
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Is this a trick question?
You will be accused of insulting the Impremateur.
How much alcohol for 6 mouths
So gobby
Oh, bite me!
They give lip service to punishment around here.
Repeat offenders get an ear.
Penalty: 6 mouthfuls of wodka
Daddy drinks because you cry.
Usually when I drink the penalty is another mouth nine months later.
People think I’m Catholic.
They forgot to finish the sentence.
They meant “six mouths to feed”.
Meaning, the penalty is forcing you to adopt six thai orphans.
– 6 mouths and a drink, Sir.
CAUTION: You will be fine.
You know what they do in prison to people with 6 mouths, don’t you?
Not a merciful penalty if they carve six slits into you.
“Hey! Can’t you read that sign that says ‘fine for drinking’?!”
“Yesh I can ossifer, and I *hic! * totally agree with it.*urp*”
A 10,000 billion fine of any currency seems like too much.
Brings new meaning to the expression “talking out of both sides of one’s mouth”.
“Baht, Officer–”
“Make that 60,000 baht! Do the mouth math!”
@Classic Steve 0851
God man! It said 6 mouths, not six vaginas.
I need this penalty like I need another nose.
I cried because I had nothing to drink.
And then I met a man who could not shut up.
Take my all my mouths, but please … not my bitcoins!!
@Frank Burns | 5:47 am: I assume it doesn’t happen when it’s “that” time of the mouth.
Are you sure this is in Thailand and not Phnom-nom-nom Penh?
Well, this blows up that old heavy metal T-shirt meme: “I’ve got a drinking problem—two hands, but only one mouth!” Add five more gaping maws and you will wish you had ten stomachs to accommodate it all, never mind other associated parts of the alimentary canal, not to mention spare livers.
Argh . . . shut up !
Everybody nose that.