Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Humor Times...
It’s the high heels.
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Is that your sole problem?
The Agony Of The Feet.
It’s the coup de grass!
Foot odor is a real problem.
Apparently the grass is going to die from laughter making fun of your feet.
If a foot is killing the grass, I’d hate to see what a yard does to it.
That figures. 5.5 to 6.5″ is quite enough for any normal Asian lady.
Meet your arch enemy!
Thanks, dear, but it’s not really that long.
No respect for law ‘n’ order.
You’re such a heel to the grass.
♫ Killing me softly
with this stomp ♫
Suspected grass murderer; last reported hopping away from the scene.
A good orthotic device should solve that disparity.
NB. See a Prosthetist.
Got to feel sorry for that poor sod.
@Huu Yuu | 4:09 am: Grass is just fine in the yard. There’s a lot of grass growing in my yard, but I wouldn’t want any growing in my foot!
It’s self defence! Who knows what you might do with all those blades!
Take it away then
Its because the grass is sleeping
Good thing that isn’t a rice field or we’d be looking for a cereal killer.
If you think my foot is killing you, wait ’till you see what my dog does.
Your feet stink!
– the grass
Caution: Our grasses are asses.
-Park Mgmt.
Spoken to a taekwondo master.
Give some people a foot and they think they’re a ruler.
Still alive but I think it’s going to path out.
So THAT’S where Sasquatch went!
I believe Achille’s last words were “my foot is killing me!”
@Vulcan. 0814
Hehe. My Asian lady used to whisper similar things in my ear, to see if she could destroy my composure. Then laugh her head off, if she succeeded. 😳
@Lora 0742 I wouldn’t believe a word he said. He was one of the most famous heels in history.
Whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous feet.
Or to take up arms against a sea of gr ar$$e$, and by opposing de feet them.
BigFoot sighted in Korea?
That’s a hardwood floor disguised as grass.
First, grass was just disturbed by people (“quiet grass”). Then woken up (“sleeping grass”). And now killed. I thought evolution is adapting to the environment, not getting suited for it ever worse.
**** yo lawn, *****, buy a new one, Darknesses!!
-rick james
…are we sure this is Engrish?
Sounds like my wife on winter nights.
Jeez! What crabby grass!
My . . . I never knew that even grass could have foot fetish (!!)