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Who is Frid? Is it the friend of Fred?
But is it figure licking good
Do it anyway you like
Oh I see, Frid is the friend of Al who has a hard to remember last name.
Are those chicken and fish spices or splices?
Try also our Al Bundy mix – Old Disorderly taste contradictious
Different taste is so 1980’s
Find the normal.
I prefer ‘Barbie & Grill’ or ‘Miss & Steak’ with Spice Grills & some toilet pepper on top & spam
Thurs and sautéed?
I prefer the Weird Al Yankomix with the funny taste.
Normal and scrumptious at the same time? I’m afrid that is contradictory.
There’s something fishy about this chicken.
They lost taste but found the new one with chickenfish fragrance
Still tastes like Shiite.
Waiter! This seafood tastes fowl!
Chicken and fish is a ficken mix.
Needs more scrumpt.
OK. But which species?
Scrumpti Dumpti sat on a wall.
Mr Chistie, you make good Crookies.
Last I know what KFC stands for.
KFC = Kan’t F—-n Cook.
Al Hanukkah.
Relax all is kosher.
Scrumptious is the new normal.
These fish and chickens – did they did before they were frid?
So ifya gotta hankerin’ fer red meat, yer just SOL.
Well this oughta generate some new mileage.
Just looked up “Al Hanounah” which means something along the lines of “THE Sweetie, Honey, Dearie, Sweetheart” kind of affectionate term of endearment.
So I’ll toss one into the ring:
“Not tonite, hanouni…I’m too frid.”
Which came first, the chicken or the fish?
Well at least we know that it’s not laced with E ….
If we had some brid we could make a chicken sandwich, if we had some chicken.
Looks like Frid Frinstone and Burney Lubble are no longer just mascots for cereal.
Wouldja like french frids with that order?
Let’s talk about that New Abnormal iPhone 7 taste for a change … Coming real soon!
I can’t use this for beef, lamb, duck and deer as well? I’ll pass.
@Pete 0643. How did you find that. I tried, and except for a reference to your post, all I found was AB Hanounah, an Arab Horse stud. ❓
Speaking of Hors Studs. There used to be one at Narang. (hinterland of Gold Coast) It was breeding Andalusians. On the outside it had the magnificent name: Senor Ramon Guerrero.
Oh. The name of the place was; El Caballo Blanco. (The white Horse)
I believe he is now at Starlight Farms in NZ. The Aust. operation was wound up in the 90s.
Or it could have been the great Moorish leader Al Napuli Onari.
Not tonight Hanouni – I’m invading Portugal tomorrow. 😎
BTW if you wonder how thy train those beautiful Lipizzanner stallions to do all those tricks, just think.
I’m sure you could do them too, if they kept sticking a live cattle prod up your date very time you failed.
@Marum 219:
From a native Arabic speaker on Yahoo Answers.
@Marum 231:
“Not tonite, Eva, I’m invading Poland tomorrow. And that one nut can only handle so much.”
@Pete. 1544. Good one.
Or the old WWII ditty to the tune of The Colonel Bogy March
♫Hitler has only one big ball,
Musso has two but they are small,
Himmler has something similar,
But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all♪
DIT Colonel Bogey
The chef’s name is Abe Normal.
@Marum 419:
You remind me of a ditty my generation sang in elementary school (perhaps you call it primary school in Oz?) to the tune of “Battle Hymn of the Republic” (e.g. Glory Glory Halleluyah):
Glory, Glory Halleluyah
Teacher hit me with a ruler
I bopped her on the bean
With a rotten tangerine
And she sunk like a German submarine
We also used to joke that WW2 Italian battle tanks had 5 gears:
One forward and four backward!
Taste guaranteed to be within one standard deviation of the average.
At last chicken that tastes like fish, finally!
Mad with th finst chickn availabl.
@Pete 8:30 pm: You reminded me of an old running gag: “Say, did you hear the latest about [name of conflict]? Italy surrendered!”