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Hillbilly Bacteria…
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stupid chicken go up the hill
stupid chicken forgot to take the pill
stupid chicken didn’t get diptheria,
but instead a very strange bacteria.
a serving is 10500 tons?
Bacteria from the GERMan alps.
A hill bacteria gives the earth a rather large pimple. I’d hate to see what a mountain bacteria does.
The Swiss Mountains bacteria makes the stupid chicken very holey.
Must be a chook. Boc, boc, boc, Bocteria
The chicken isn’t stupid, just a little mixed up – with vegetables!
At least it has not gone viral.
Waiter! I hear banjo music in my food!
@Huu Yuu | 4:03 am
It’s the A51 strain of bacteria. Just goes to show you that stupidity’s an epidemic after all… how sad.
@DnT 04 05. Not Germanic – Germaniac,
Let me ruin the love life of all the health and cleanliness freaks.
In control experiments for bacterial transfer, we identified the probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium marker bacteria in most kiss receivers, corresponding to an average total bacterial transfer of 80 million bacteria per intimate kiss of 10 s.
And that is only kissing on the mouth. 👿
And for an entree we recommend the Salmonella salmon.
@Marum | 4:21 am: Problem? – those bacteria are good for us, AFAIK.
You’ve heard of Bubble ‘n’ Squeak?
This is Bubble ‘n’ Squeal.
I know this may sound unromantic, but it IS a good idea to have a shower together first.
Speaking for myself – I found having a shower with my lady, a tremendous turn-on. 😀
So that’s what they call Hillary voters.
Q. Why did the stupid chicken choke itself?
A. Because it wanted to have an organism.
@Marum 428:
Don’t we all?
The good news.
Once you have havee been living together for some time – provided the relationship is monogamous – you both share the same bacteria.
Therefore the chances of catching something off each other, decreases to almost nil.
That knowledge though, would not induce me to dispense with the shower. 😉
Charles Darwin was right. The Hill Bacteria evolved into Stupid Chicken and couldn’t further evolved into Homo Sapiens.
Phoned in an order. Just waiting for deliverance.
The Hi 2 bacteria cuss chickens to get into a stew, by causing Subtle Anxiety Syndrome.
If you eat this you’ll get bird flew.
Well it shouldn’t have been caught
So its not bird flu then
H. Stulti
Unfair to road crossing fowl.
So that’s what happened to the cock-o’-the-walk.
Go figger…the good-lookin’ bantam = the stupid one.
“Stupid is as stupid doves.”
— Forrest Gumbo
I once asked a *smart* chicken “what came first, the chicken or the egg?”
It told me they both appeared at exactly the same time, in a chicken omelette.
Or maybe “Bubble ‘n’ Squawk”.
Don’t the Chinese consider the Mongolians their equivalent of hillbillies?
Long Tom,
No, the Chinese have plenty of their own Han Chinese hillbillies.
They consider Mongols foreign, as well as former invaders and conquerors.
My guess is that many Han Chinese don’t necessarily have the warm fuzzies for the Mongolians…
@Huu Yuu 403:
That would be a LOT of chicken!
And would exceed one’s typical order of Xinjiang Da Pan Ji
(Big Plate Chicken)
Apparently the “T” stands for Tögrög (or Tugrik), the Mongolian currency.
As of time of this writing, USD $1 = T 1,439, meaning a stupid chicken stew costs ya about USD $4.90.
Hmmm…a stupid chicken for less than five “bucks” (haw haw haw).
Wonder how much a smart one costs…….???
Meant T 1039, not 1,439.
My bad.
The smart chicken just fled from being slaughtered
Stupid chicken! You gave me hill bacteria!