But it’s not 4:20…
Cereal available upon request.
Photo courtesy of Sarah Jung.
Found at recording studio in Seoul, Korea.
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Oh cool man
Looks like a whole lot of hot clock to me.
But it is 2:04, which is for dyslexic pot smokers
Just be careful of thr chocolate brownies
Who’d a figured Korea’d have Colorado beat?
Now all we need is Doritos.
tobacco not allowed here, only marijuana
In fact, it is a crime here if you are NOT smoking pot.
Speaking about Nth Korea for a tic.
It does seem amusing that Dennis Rodman know more about Kim Jong Un, than the President, the State Dept., the CIA, and everyone else in the world added together
The recording studio name is Hot Pot King.
Please reefer any complaints to the head dude.
You’re welcome.
It’s high time someone appreciated it.
Only Reggae is recorded here.
Marum: I wonder if Kim Jong Un knows that Dennis Rodman is a guy.
Doobie or not doobie, that is the question.
Long Tom 0425. Uhhh?
I thought it was easy. Girls have bigger nipples, and less hair on their chests. Unless they’re Soviet Shot-putters.
This studio makes a lot of hits.
@Marum | 4:31 am: You know that and I know that. I think what Long Tom is saying is, does Kim Jong Un know that?
Now, there’s a blunt message!
@DnT 0431. AHH! I tee.
Every hour, that clock goes BONG!
The way things are in OZ at present, if you are white and you have a black clock on your wall, It is a clear cut case of racial vilification.
The various groups of hairy ar$3d fanatics, will send a whole regiment of “Rent-a-crowd” to stand outside your front door, chanting incomprehensible nonsense for a day or two.
The band is doing a Bob Malrey cover.
I like it, that when the British Army burnt a MJ crop in Afghanistan, they inadvertently parked themselves downwind of the conflagration.
Another shining example of “military intelligence) at work.
Speaking of Clocks:
Somebody designed a NEW Alarm-clock. It has wheels. When it goes off, the clock hurtles around the room screaming. So you have to leap out of bed and charge it down, to turn it off.
An Engineer after my own heart.
Message from “Mr. Nice Guy.”
@Yu No Hoo 4:55
A K-Pot version.
EDIT: chase it down
Chase it down.
This joint has a roach problem.
Those guys have been in there for hours doing dubs.
Cheech: Let’s get chinese eyes.
Today we’re featuring homegrown talent.
Do not enter the minor key.
@Marum 449:
Mate, you sure you’re not describing the States?
Sounds about the same.
But I do pot smoke!
– Is this pot, Sir?
– N … no it’s pot, Officer!
One time back in the day, we were passing around a little “toke right”. When one guy noticed another guy was holding it with his watch hand. When asked “what time is it?”, he spilled the water all over himself. Must have rolled on the floor laughing for twenty minutes! (true story)
Marum: You never heard of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yovPAcNjPeE
By Edgar Allan Pot
The tiny fairies living inside my left ear and I thank you, maaaan.
No more 420 party, they call it pot luck gathering
If you don’t smoke pot here… well, you ain’t got the Seoul for the job.
How is this Engrish? It’s in a recording studio!
all the recording tracks here are done at 30 beats per minute
“Thank you for pot smoking” – American Cannabis Society