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Two poople, one toilet
Wampires don’t make poople
Three could provr to be problematic
If you make love in positions that require balance – you deserve everything you beget.
Better in a crowd
Se a secret
Se a secret balance.
Balance, a secret, balance!
Poople , is only a problem if you miss what you were aiming at.
This bloke had an account at the brothel.
They rang him up, to tell him that his balance had gone into the red. :roll”
Relations between people and poodles should definitely be kept secret!
Power to the poople!
Poople power runs on methane.
@DnT 0411. Well. Doggone!
Freedom from Condom. That’s the secret.
Tell me the secret or I’ll hold my breath until I turn poople!
I told you relationships were overrated.
Secret: Strong enough for poople, but made for an armpit.
PoopleSoft: A now defunct scatalogical software.
Freedom Pads com with wings.
So I can fly interstate on heavy days..
Poople, like Mr. Hanky.
Government of the poople,
By the poople,
For the poople
After the really hot curry, the poople just kept running out.
poople – http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=poople
Marum | 5:51 am: Just goes to show that some people have too much time on their hands… among other things! 😮
The turd estate is made up of the common poople.
People stool
Poople steeple
It’s a secret, so you won’t hear a poop out of me.
Freedom Pads.
For those days of the month when you need a little extra balance.
Shame on you Therese.
I’m more of a peeple person. They’re number one in my book.
@Yu No Hoo 8:32:
‘Splain reference, please?
Once you se[e] a secret in the relation betveen two poople, you can’t un-see it.
@Pete: Well technically, it says “There se”
She must be a little spaced out.
Freedom poople its the dump
@Yu No Hoo 11:37:
I needed Therese to be spaced out to apprehend what you were getting at.
And now, time for more coffee…
; – )
Soylent brown is poople!
@Pete | 5:04 am: How well we remember that brown screen of death!
It’s all about the connocting.
They’re so close, they crap through the same hole!