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The great Riposo mystery.
But perhaps its not
A “family” feud restaurant
Its really famous for something else
Never sit with your back to the street.
This Restaurant is pretending to be really famous for Italian food for suckers.
Eterno Riposo. (Im nomine patris et fili spiritus sancti)
Cello cases banned in this restaurant.
We are renowned for our ciao. It is of the eterno riposte variety.
Just plaec your order with our capo di tutti capo.
EDIT: di tuuti capi
Solly amigo mia. Hablo un poco Espanol, pero no Italiano.
Maybe it’s just an Italian suppos-itory.
I suppose therefore I eat.
I’ll try that on again:We are renowned for our ciao. It is of the “Eterno Riposo” variety.
Just place your order with our; Capo di tutti Capi..
…But someone Riposo’d us a new one.
… But we ended up being famous for Korean food.
The local Coffee was run by an Italian, who spoke English very badly. The languages seem very similar, I used to speak to him in Spanish, and he spoke to me in Italian. We seemed to understand each other quite well. Easier than trying to understand his English. 😆
@Marum | 4:42 am: Eterno reposo means someone has pasta way.
edit: riposo
I usually go by the a-roma.
– Waiter! I’m supposed to order!
– Are you supposed to have Spaghetti with that, Sir?
They were once famous for all kinds of Italian food but these days it’s all baloney.
Now it just R.I.P.
This food is supposed to really be edible.
The kimchi pizza soon put paid to that idea!
@DnT No ned to edit mi amigo. I got it.
“Pasta away” Probably means they have been “Gnocchi’ed off”.
When the hired the chef he had an impressive presumé.
Yeah, it was supposed to be.
For truth in advertising, maybe rename if RIPOFFO..
Instead, for God what knows reason, it ended up being famous for Bohemian dishes instead,
Special note, this restaurant is not really famous for literacy
They had one job …!