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DIdn’t know that “,i’m” is Hello Kitty’s middle name.
Who says I’m healthcare companion?
“Yaozu” describes this engrish well.
Hello. I am kitty. You are healthcare. Companion?
Slip your dogs into these.
A descendent of Felix I’m the Cat, perhaps/
I am not healthcare companion! Dumb slippers.
Hello kitty logo is actually a layer of painkiller powder. Just lick whenever you want.
A cat for a healthcare companion? What would it do, teach you how to clean your butt with your tongue?
It could be a lot worse. You could have THIS cat as a healthcare companion:
Take two with a large glass of water.
A slipper will always do it won’t it kitty
Take two with food
@Long Tom. 0427.. I have not doubt about many animal’s ability to do this. Their senses are so much more highly (attuned?) than ours. One day, observe how dogs can read body-language, and manipulate people into doing what they want. When we had a Burmese cat, he patiently taught me to identify 12 words of his language. Thus, I could cater to his needs, even better than average. No matter how hard I tried though, I could never learn to speak Catana. When I tried, he usually bit me. Have you also noticed that cats have a name? They won’t… Read more »
Top Cat’s in-home nurse?
I asked for some P$$y and all I got was a slipper.
Between the slippers is Yaozu heaven
“Do you have a medical durable power of attorney, who you allow to make medical decisions if you are not able?”
“Yes, nurse. It’s this pair of shoes.”
What will the deductible be on this spaying?
Look what the cat dragged in.
Der Sommerschuh nein?
Sommerschuh = thongs (Aus), flip flops (NZ)
Sommerschuh+en? = plural
Not to be confusd with Der Stringtanga. 😉
The perfect gift for a woman who has everything.
Q. What do you call a woman who has everything?
A. Contagious.
– Hello Tom, I’m Jerry
– Hi Bugs, there’s Bunny
– Hey I’m Wile E. Coyote, the Genius
– Goodbye, I’m not Kitty
Flip flop for pussies
@Marum 0546: Oscar the therapy cat was actually in the news years ago, for he somehow knew when a patient was dying, and curled up and lay down in that patient’s bed. This gave the hospital staff time to contact the family so they could come before that person died.
One good message for a cat who is behaving badly: water spray. My mother uses that when her cat gets naughty-and it changes his behavior fast.
I went to the hospital recently for a Cat Scan.
How can they fit all those thousands of cats, into that one machine.
What the cat dragged in:
Just stay out of Dr. Mashirito’s way. He’s in a bad mood . . .
Another victory for Obamacare.
Nice one, Baymax. “You’re” Hello Kitty disguise doesn’t fool me. XD
“You’re healthcare companion” – any American could make this mistake.