Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Humor Times...
Just like this…
A little more to the right…
Photo courtesy of Bryan Rilinger.
Found at rest stop in Ayuthaya, Thailand.
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Even with the sign, I still don’t know how to make my pee form an arrow pointing to the right.
So not up against the wall then
And if I need a number two
I didn’t know my urinate knew how to read and follow a sign!
Your in if you go to the right
And if you hurry, your in eight of the first ones in line.
They left the “m” off. So many Aussies go to Thailand that they were trying to use the vernacular to be friendly.
ie. You’re in mate.
@Huu Yuu 0403 Velly clafty these Thais.
In other words, “Piss Off!”.
At the end of the path are 100 naked Thai ladies. I’ll bet you’ll forget about peeing, when you see them.
Well, I can start it going horizontally but it will soon fall to earth.
When you gotta go, you gotta go ➞
@Marum | 4:31 am: By then your arrow will be pointing ➚ .
This sign was painted by Camille Pissarro.
If you don’t, urine a lot of trouble.
That’s the polite way of saying, “stop pissing on the building!”
Guys would have no problem stepping behind the shrubs it’s pointing to. Ladies might object.
Because that’s where the fire hydrant is.
No, I’m not a Nate, but I’ll let him know when I see him…
That’s odd, the sign is pointing to a poster of Hilary Clinton.
Sorry, I can’t urinate that way, it’s more of a downward facing…no, that’s yoga…well, no I just can’t.
that‘s for dogs
@DnT 0444. I get the impressionist that you are correct.
If you follow the directions of this sign, European.
@timmy: I overheard a conversation about how Vietnam veterans made sure they aimed properly when they used the urinals. They put a picture of Jane Fonda right in the middle of them!
@ Long Tom hahahaha!!!
Urine soup is made at there!
I have to figure out those straight parabolas
But the wind blows the other way
And never cross streams!
DEFECATE, That way please.