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Pain Marinated means it was up on the cross with Monte Christ.
Monte Christ cooked for you, and he saves … the food for the poor.
Oh no! Meat Loaf was turned into a sandwich again! He should stop going to that house in Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Monte Christ contains ham! Not such a good Jewish boy.
The pain marinade is made of blood, sweat and tears.
Monte Christ may not have been his brother but he definitely hung around with cheeses.
Monte I thought his name was Bill
Flagellated sea food thank Monte for the boiled veggies.
I’m more in the mood for Basil Pest
First Maggie sauce, now Rich Brown Gravy. I don’t know who Rich Brown was but I’m sensing an unsettling theme here.
Monte Christ isn’t kosher.
“Monte Christ!” is going to be my anger interjection.
Monte Christ turns John Denver into Denver Omelet.
A much more meaty Holy Communion.
– A sandwich, please.
– As a favor, Sir?
Turkey, American and Swiss do not mix.
Goes good with a little Mary Maggiedalene sauce.
Served at the ministry of silly buns.
I think the translator switched to French for “pain.”
I used to love that show, “Monte Christ’s Ascending Circus.”
Monte Christ lived in the New Testament era not Old Time Sandwich era.
Monty Christ isn’t the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy.
Is he related to Del Monte?
@Classic Steve: when I switch to French there is plenty of pain, too.
Monte christo is a type of sandwhich. Thats really almost correct.
It’s actually “Harold Christ”.
The kids all say:
Our father who art in heaven,
Harold be thy name.
Excuse me. I am the Count of Monte Christo. Have you got my sandwich order?
@WidaBeast. That was Dudley Moore in the movie Wholly Moses.
In the Bible, Jesus did have some siblings:
A for John Denver, he ended his life more akin to scrambled eggs:
Does the Monte Christ come with Pain marinated Crown of Thorns Starfish?
Christ!! Ill go the full monte!
“And so I say unto thee, fear not when the world givest thou pain marinated sea food, for it hated me before you, and anyway, it’s not kosher.”
“Hi, you’ve reached the Holy family. Joseph, Mary, Jesus, James and Monte aren’t here right now. Press 1 to leave a message for Joseph or Mary. Press 2 to leave a message for James. Press 3 to leave a message for Monte. If you want to reach Jesus, talk to his real dad.”
Monte Christ walks into a motel reception, slaps 4 nails on the counter and says “can you put me up for the night please”
The Count of Monte Christo escaped from prison underwater, but the Count of Monte Christ escaped by walking on water.