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Any how, we cannot do…
proper English or spelling, clearly.
I thi nk I’m get ting sicknfss wh ich cau ses me to sp lit wor ds un nec essarliy. It doe sn’t st op. Som eone, plea se s top hi m fro m ru n onc e.
Why does someone with sicknfss serving food? Maybe it is served with wheat gfrm.
If he has sicknfss and is beginning to run for the bathroom, I’m not gonna be the one to stop him!
– Now, would you like something to eat or drink before the war … ning that trespassers will be tied up with piano wire?
Copy by Foo King Ning
– I confss!
I always make a fss when I’m sick.
Would that be down the leg
Here I bou ght it to show you
Sicknfss is a sickness with a slow leak.
Someone, please stop him… the guy who designed this shirt!
I hope she’s sorry for the incontinence…
Sick N’ Fuss, you always complain!
There is nothing like random word spaces, to reduce English comprehension.
That is why typesetting computers have an exception hyphenation dictionary. So at a line end decision, one can have John Smith Ther- apist. Without it one could have the misreprentation of Jon Smith The-rapist.
Have you met our new Spanish Chefs. El Plaga. and Jose Mareado
Why am I suddenly thinking about that cloud in “Rejected” by Don Hertzfeldt?
I was goi ng to wri te caption,
anyhow , I cannot do.
I’d run too, if I saw a giant boiling pot of celery and leprosy droppings.
Those who break out of quarantine will be… disappointing
In the midst of my sinus cold with my nose backing up into my brain…
This makes sense.
A very nihilistic shirt, if you ask me.
Looks like someone took some night time siffnling. seeznlig. coug hing. ac hing, stunffy he ad, worst writing you’ve ever done with a cold medicine.
Mak fs pfrf ct sfnsf to mf, but I’m sickn.
Sicknfss sounds like a really bad cold.
@72rd 0458. And played in the fifth act from Tosca.
Just gft somf mfdicinf, for goodnfss sakf