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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Better than a hatful.
Must be the ears
My wife is an old bag of ass.
I’d rather have a bag of “grass” to smoke
Well… at least the customer doesn’t have to bag her own ass.
I think I nay have nade namy nistakes in this captiom.
A bag with a hole in it is not necessarily a bag of ass.
Dat bag!
I was going to get a bag of buns at the bakery. I’ll buy some pita bread instead.
Her employer didn’t like the shirt. She got the sack.
Don’t poo poo the influence of words on shirts on the young.
Oh….you mean bagpipes!
The Drug Squad wants to know how much crack you’ve got in that bag.
Honey, I just found what I want for Christmas!
I warned you not to wear sweat pants at your age.
Bag of ass is badass!
Shirt made by LG (Looking Good)
Her hovercraft is full of ass
Things that make you go “WTF were they thinking?”
Shirt made by So What
“Life was like a bag of ass You never know what you’re gonna get.” – Forrest Bump
I look like a bag of douche and I feel like a bag of meat, but hey… to each their own.
It is our Laddie of the ass umption.
And I live in a cul de sac.
You ass bag!
It covers her ass but not the bags
It’s time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I’m all out of gum, but definitely not out of ass. I’ve got a whole bag of it.
From the makers of the diarrhoea shirt
Well…conplete is such a strong word – maybe just a half bag of ass.
CAUTION: This bagass shirt person may contain guts
Hauling ass is easier if it’s in a bag.
Is that a sweatshirt or a donkey jacket?
Does the person wearing the shirt understand and read English? Presumably not, for she would how much of an asshat she looks like.
This mush be the Japanese version of a can of whop-ass.
Great new answer to that annoying question: “How are you doing?”.
And /this/ is why my employer has uniforms…
@Long Tom: More like her employer can’t read English else she would be paid with a bag of ass.
on the plus side, it kinda helps protect the store from customer complaints about bad service
Ah so! It’s the Nipponese Lingmaster.
@jjhitt. A change from the normal answer.:
Q: How you’re doin?
A. One leg over, same as everyone else.
Didn’t the people who made this shirt mean “bad ass”?
This is inconprehensible.
My shorts are a bag of ass.