Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
and I think I’ll end this sentence now.
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Sorry you lost me at this
Talk about having your cake and eating it
Never had a “very special” before? They taste really
I’ll have the something flavored special.
We migtht not be able to finish our, but at least our dessert does not contain counterfeit goodness
This is the dessert you need after the very steak.
Original goodness? Well, that balances out original sin, I guess.
Schrodinger’s dessert.
The picture looks like a scene from the movie Aliens.
… caption.
– Good afternoon, Madam. May I recommend you a very special dessert with?
– The flavor with something delicious for!
Warning: May contain
@DNT: May contain…. nuts?
Unless stated otherwise, Korean Bakery is the owner or the licensee of all goodness in our bags, products, advertizing or website. Our goodness is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.
——a very soecial — Case of diarrhoea maybe?
Why do Korean donuts have treads on them, like a mud tyre.
Prepositional phrases that have no relation to the subject of the sentence are one thing.
Prepositional phrases that have no relation to anything, are something else again.
Ex 1. I was accosted by a man in a wheelchair, with no legs.
This food made Kim Jong ILL.
I still reckon the TV announcer, who called him “Kim Jong 49” (IL Rom Not)
deserved an award.
Perhaps The Dopies.
@DNT and BFC. Aardvarken? perhaps. Which in the German/Afrikaans tradition, is the plural of Aardvark.
May you both enjoy, lots of good more than one aardvark. 👿
To finish reading our ad, please order our fortune cookie with our ad pt 2 baked right into the product
Waiter, I’ll have the fresh dessert, and my wife will have
@Marum: I hope so too. As they say, aardvark never killed anyone. 😛
@BFC: In this case, forget-me-nuts. 😉
This kind of dessert is favoured by the signatories to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The sentence seems to end gracefully with https://www.engrish.com
Very fitting ending indeed!
(Knock on restaurant door)
Owner: Who is?
Service man outside: I’m here to finish the sentence, Sir.
Owner: Great, you’re just in! Come on
Does anyone else think this looks like icky microbes magnified by 10,000 or something?
That thing on the right looks like roasted giant roly-poly bug.