Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish brings you happy with joy
Snake & Ladders
Fire extinguisher sold separately…
Photo courtesy of Trevor Froude.
Game found in South Africa, made in China.
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Like road-runners & anvils
But not well-rnown for its spelling quality. The spell checker was FIREd.
They exploited all the wisdom they had, and all they could come up with was a more funny game… than what?
Like picked from the brain
But does it contain small pieces
Is it even more funny than, like, ‘ha ha haha hahaha ha’?
NOTE: Snake and ladders are sold separately
Our winsome snakes will set your heart on fire
For fire exit, just add ladder
When you get sick of the game. you light it on fire.
I played snakes and ladders when I was a kid but I don’t recall any fire being involved.
Isn’t that the game from “Lair of the White Worm?”
Snake the ladder and shark those snacks!
It’s the Tesla of board games.
I always demand that my kids’ games be modern, elegant, wise and more funny, are constructed with rnowned world-class craftmanship, and above all are flammable.
Snake and Ladders – a well known game for the snake oil salesman.
Shake and Bladders – the Sequel to Snake and Ladders
More funny, more better. Snakes On A Ladder. Coming soon to a theater near you.
Wisdom so exploited that their products are best rnown for cooking.
You got to watch out for those snakes!
Fire Snakes? I thought that game was “Super Mario Bros. 3.”
Even the snake pictured on top looks puzzled by the Engrish.
Snakes & Ladders: Fire Edition
“Burns” you plenty!
Only for $2.99
See the Shark edition for more “Hurt me Plenty” experience!
I have had it with these mother*** snakes on this mother*** ladder !
WARNING: Snacks are active in this area
SO! The game sets fire to you if you cheat.
I often snack on my lady, under the board.
winsome – losesome.
Small parts my cause choking in children
Very large parts my cause choking in your lover.
Better known for his suffocation of unwary guards, however.
SERIOUSLY.?? No, really, I am at a loss. HOW does this work??? Who is —WHAT is— eeee..uugghh….((Give it up, me. Just GIVE it UP.))
I would BEG to speak to”the brains of the outfit”, but THAT ship has SAILED.
Why do I keep coming here? Whyyyyyyyy???
Fire-breathing snakes and asbestos ladders!
You winsome you burnsome
You winsome and you losesome… But you live… You live to exploit wisdom another day!