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Good. Those damn toilet bowels always make me miss them.
We are sorry for the incontinence
Please leave the bowel exactly where you found it.
But not for politicians.
Makes it tough for politicians to talk then.
I said FREEZE! Don’t you move a single muscle, or I will shoot! Oh, you shot first! Shit!
AKA “Moving the toilet bowel is forbidden.”
This sign does not s—- around, so you can’t either.
– B … But officer, it moved all by itself!
Just stop EATING!
Look, is there some sort of fine I could pay?
That’s the real translation? No $#!t?
They’re not putting up with this $hit any longer.
And with this new era of prohibition, another form of criminal enterprise came to be: the speak-easy restroom.
The password is “John sent me.”
…and winning the award for the Worst Name for a Political Group…
@Ben: yep, that’s what it says. Only, the (automatic) translator probably tried to keep it civilized…
… Or else it gets the hose again.
What is it?
I’m more in favour of the Women’s Movement….Especially right at the end.
China sounds just like Australia. We are passing laws against every bloody thing, lately.
@Marum: and comparing the programs Border Security (Australia) to Border Security (Canada), it seems that we have many of the same problems. Although, we do have the added treat of Americans trying to drive through British Columbia to Alaska with their automatic weapons.
@Chuck. Ha ha, mate. As you possibly know, we have this ludicrous, “every K over is a killer” campaign, here in OZ.
If this is so – How come Germany has four times our population, and only an equal road toll? AUTOBAHNS??? What?? Unlimited speed limits? RUBBISH!! They would all be dead by now. Therefore the Germans don’t exist.
Is it possible, that driver training could be more important than speed?
Slogan of the Bowel Movement.
Gutem Fahrt.
The sign was intended for a swimming pool.
because our maids hate unclogging our toilets because SOMEBODY cut loose at the all-you-can-eat yesterday
Go to the boweling alley for that sort of thing.
Don’t take a BM in Beijing; you’ll be arrested as an “Enema of the State”.
But what if I ate at the Korean Barfett?
Fecal matters!
禁止大便 = Do not defecate!
I see the symbols
1st one He is running and doing squats.
2nd he is doing step-ups.
3rd He is doing the splits.
4th he has his legs crossed, trying to hold it in.
Sign at symphony orchestra. The first, second, third movements are OK, but not the bowel movement.
First they came for Falung Gong. Then they came for the Bowel Movement. Where will it all end?
Marty Niemoller Jr.
No twerking here
The urination requires the authority ask.
A no-smoking lounge and a no-pooping restroom. We just can’t have ANY fun nowadays…