Beauty Young Girls
Call your doctor if vagrant thoughts last longer than 4 hours…
Photo courtesy of Derrick McCullough.
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Let’s Mike with music!
My foot is bi-infureated when I pressed the key equipment.
Careful the vagrant might be a Catholic Priest
Mike better duck whenever this is used!
Perhaps Mrs Palmer had something to say
Deck the halls with boughs of jollifaction! Fa la la la la, la la la la.
My hand design allow me to get intimate with myself 😛
(terrible joke)
Mike sings together. Beauty Young Girls play cello phone.
I have vagrant thoughts.
You will all be jollified and bifurcated. Resistance is footile!
The designers of this toy must have been smoking something which caused them to become adjusted highly.
Mike is a vagrant with a loud voice.
They offer three kinds of uniqueness.
Disneyphone’s ”Naughty from the East” is even better. It aims at Wang to sing in group voices separately and adapts up to 1.1 Meters of children!
May adjust the volume. Or not. Quality control is overrated!
Watch out, Mike!
Childhood is a difficult time when you’re the different height child.
It’s been ages since I had a good jollification.
I’m Willie The Wino and I approved these vagrant thoughts.
– Mommy, look! Girl Mike!
I got a new special foot bifurcation heavy distortion pressed key equipment for my Stratocaster.
“We’re so pretty, oh so pretty Vagrant! And we don’t care.”
Hey good looking, we’ll be back to pick you up later!
Girls sitting on Mike may get huge supplies.
Uniqueness is far more common now, than when I was a boy.
I’m old enough to remember when they threw out singing drunks.
“positively encourage” (coises)
I was a young girl singer like you, then I took a bifurcation to the foot.
47, 48, 49, 50! WOO HOO!!! JOLLIFICATION!!!
Mike, May, Intimate and the Vagrant. Yes, wildest party of my life.
@DNT. I’ll bet you found the 12″ rivetting.
Foot bifurcation? So our dichotomy opens the jollification!
Bifurcation can always be cured, by driving a tapered peg into the gap. 🙄
I can hear Snow White singing, ” I love the seven dwarves”/
1. aim at Mike
2. ♪♫ let it go… ♪♫
3. ???
4. profit
Intimate carrying the hand design.
A belt at one’s side, probably used for whipping.
Vagrant thoughts.
Somehow I don’t think this is intended for children…
If Mike doesn’t fit, adopt a different-height child.
Foot Bifurcation = Process of changing Mike’s foot into a cat with two furs
Obvious “microphone” Disney font is vagrant knockoff of
pirate young girls
Mr. Splitfoot used the foot bifurcator.
Background music includes the hit song “Thoughts of the Jolly Vagrant”
Trenchcoat Dirty Old Men® – the vagrant thoughts along with creepy stare. Jollification party in pants!
Jollificetion is actually a real word.
Parental permission required for bifurcation; vagrant thoughts only for ages 12 and up.
This microphone is secretly Frederica Irving (Etrian Odyssey Untold reference)