I am betting they were just missing a letter when the put together
the sign. I offten see signs like that missing letters or with strange
improvisations (like “$” for “S”)
10 years ago
Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way.
10 years ago
American Engrish!
Huu Yuu
10 years ago
Learn it, Mayor Chester Stranczek! No excetions for you either!
Hmmm … No excretions?!
This is why we Engrish
We drip like taps
Home of the good ol boys
No Exskewsez either!
Start with the word “irony”.
Oh, I get it. They missed the “h” in “hour.”
Become as good as we are!
If you don’t speak English you can P… off!
Must be something in the water.
Looks like the place to Polish up your English.
I am betting they were just missing a letter when the put together
the sign. I offten see signs like that missing letters or with strange
improvisations (like “$” for “S”)
Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way.
American Engrish!
Learn it, Mayor Chester Stranczek! No excetions for you either!
Ex-English is our language
I guess budget slashing for this village has gone too far.
He made an exeutive decision.
There will be no “P”-ing in this village, either.
I’m so hay that I learned English!
Challenge acceted!
Something tells me they don’t acet everyobody in the same warm fashion.
Can I learn it with excetions? Don’t tell us to learn the language if you can’t spell.
Yeah, learn Engrish, you morans!
Learn it … Excet the ‘pee’
Also, anyone not learning English will be excecuted.
Not that there is no ‘p’ on our sign. We’d like to keep it that way.
*Note sigh This sign is getting to me
Chester certainly is a strange Czech.
I don’t even think that the English teachers there had assed their English exams yet.
That’s the same guy that opted to poison his residents with contaminated drinking water for 27 years instead of fixing a leaky pipe.
Foreign visitors, lease reort to the recetion arty where your English will be samled and aroved.
Spoiler alert Chester; second grade is even harder.
Oooos! That should have been “soiler” alert, my bad.
only missing P because “no excretions”
You’ll have to exuse him. Crestwood has a roblem with toxins in the water.
Water Contamination affect your ability to P.
Because Crestwood sounds nicer than Bigoton.
Heed your own avice!
Nice “welcome” to your lovely village there, Mayor Chet. We’ll just wait until the next stop to gas up, have lunch, and buy souvenirs.
Wow, seriously? Man…