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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
Still more accurate than Delivery Room
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Aking! Aking! My horsedom for aking!
There’s some mistake. I was supposed to go to the Blooding FAKING Room.
All bleeding and painful patients should gather in this room.
It’s actually the Brooding Loom
ARNING: NO Rooming!
Let’s peaking English!
I feel soar
It’s all red and white to me
The doctor-in-charge is called Dracula!
I need the your-in giving room please.
@Big Fat Cat: That’s Dr. Acula.
A king is blooding at here!
Hmm. Every part of me akes except my blood.
Bloody Faking Room.
It’s a training school for Australian wives.
Q. How do you stop Australian women rooting
A. Marry them.
Be preparing for needling and syringing.
This room has mysterious and wonderful powers.
That’s the office of the Communist Party Secretary. They suck blood.
A bloodletting room? With leeches and stuff?? This hospital is clearly in the wrong century!
This room is used every day. The blooding a queen room, however, is only used once a month.
Maybe you should have married one of those Tolai ladies, who so turned you head while you were in PNG. 😉
@Gooma: Tolai ladies do what with head? 😛
Your comment confused me for a second since I just came here
from reading about rooting mobile devices. Then I remembered
that rooting means shagging in Australia.
In that context “rooting” ones phone sounds a little disturbing (and maybe desperate)
@szk. Now I’m confused. Dou you mean routing or rooting?
ie. This computer and up to 6 or so other devices can go through my “router” to my WiFi internet connection.
@DnT The other head mate. They even invaded my dreams. I can only imagine the delights, such beautiful ladies might have brought to my bed. One could be so lucky?
@szk. It’s OK mate. I looked up; “rooting android devices”. I usually stay away from them, and Public Domain sites. Not secure enough. Even the “Cloud” may have been hacked.
However in my opinion it was only the accounts of the rich and F-Witted. In which case it was probably only a “Brute Force” attack on their passwords of they, with hot c—s and empty heads. They were probably using passwords commensurate with their IQs. ergo; two digits or less. So one would only have to go from 1 – 20 to crack them.
EDIT their passwords = the passwords
you ake AFTER we blood you…
Ah yes the dungeon’s torture chambers are so nicely labled now!